1853 July 29 Letter to George A. Smith


1853 July 29 Letter to George A. Smith


Council to settlements and Utah Territory residents to secure property and stock. Also contains an appeal to give all surplus to the Church for safekeeping.




Brigham Young
Heber C. Kimball
Willard Richards
Daniel H. Wells


George A. Smith




Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs
Nauvoo Legion

Item sets

Head Quarters Nauvoo Legion

Adjutant General's Office

G. S. L. City July 29th 1853.

Col George A. Smith

Commanding Southern Department

Nauvoo Legion.

Dear Sir,

Your Express dated Chicken Creek 28th Inst. just arrived by the hand of James Smith of Provo.

We are happy to learn that Kan-nosh has returned with the Pah-van Indians, and that they are disposed to be friendly; But this is no doubt a ruse to throw the inhabitants off their Guard, that they may get the advantage of them.  You are perfectly right in carrying out your former intentions, and the instructions which you have received.

We now as the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints; as Governor, Superintendent of Indian Affairs of Utah Territory, and Commander in Chief of the Militia, and Lieut General of the Nauvoo Legion, appeal to you, to the Commandants of all the Military Districts South; to all the officers and Authorities of the Church, of the Legion, and of the Territory, and to all the people; and say unto you all, do not in the least degree relax your efforts nor slacken your exertions to save your Grain, your Stock, and all your property, and <fail not to> fort up strong and permanent, that your families and yourselves may be secure; and that you may not be massacred by the Indians, and do not feel afraid, that we want your property, because we have ordered surplus stock to be driven to this place <in order>  to keep you from feeding the Indians with it; for we do not want <it;> but expect that you will draw it out again when you can take care of it; although you had better put it into the Church, than feed your enemies with, and lose it in that way.

And we say further, that inasmuch as you do not second our efforts-carry into effect our orders and instructions, and listen to our Council, we shall consider you as aliens, and not brethren; as enemies and not friends; that we shall not hold you by our faith, nor assist you by our influence, nor our hands.

Enough has been said, works and <not> words are now required.  Let your works speak and show for itself.


Your Brethren in the  Covt of Truth.

Brigham Young

H. C. Kimball

W. Richards

First Presidency

Governor, Supt. of lndn Affairs &     

Commander in Chief of the Militia

Brigham Young

Daniel H. Wells

Lieut General Commanding

Nauvoo Legion.