1871 December 19 Letter to George Q. Cannon


1871 December 19 Letter to George Q. Cannon


Wells provides updates on legal challenges, encloses financial drafts, and criticizes officials for targeting religious practices. He encourages Cannon in his mission to deliver Israel.




Daniel H. Wells
T. W. Ellerbeck


George Q. Cannon


1871 December 19


Salt Lake City, Utah

Number of Pages



Legal Matters

Salt Lake City, U. T.
December 19. 1871

Hon George Q. Cannon,

Dear Bro,

I received your two notes from Rawlings and Council Bluffs, and was glad to learn that you had got through all right. We are quite well and feel very hopeful in regard to the future. Mr. Bates gives evidence of being a gentleman; had a very agreeable conversation with Hon Mr. Garfield from Washington Territory, of course you will see him. It seems that Mr Maxwell is still retained and of course they are still trying to put up cases on us; you will learn particulars in the papers

I send you enclosed $1500 (Fifteen hundred dollars) drafts on New York, with but ill success.

If the President and Cabinet and Congressmen could see that their mission and calling consisted in making and executing laws within the plain meaning and purview of the constitution and their oaths of office, and quit trying to regulate morals through illegal enactments, proscribing us in our religious faith, they would appear more like statesmen and have greater honor both before God and Man.

May God bless you and make you instrumental in accomplishing much good upon your short mission in bringing to pass the deliverance of Israel. I am very busily engaged in the same work, and have great faith that we shall finally succeed even beyond our most sanguine expectations. May God bless you Bro George with every desired gift and blessing that you can wish is the prayer of your friend and

Brother in the Gospel

Daniel H. Wells
per T. W. E.

P. S. Bro Wells is not in to sign the above, so I signed for him. It may be that if you need it, I can send $500 more on notification from you to that effect.

T. W. E.