1853 September 30 Letter to George Manypenny


1853 September 30 Letter to George Manypenny


Report and Quarterly account for Agent E. A. Bedell and S. B. Rose. Budget forecast for next two years.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


George H. Manypenny


1853 September 30


Great Salt Lake City
Washington City, D. C.


Indian Affairs

Item sets

Department of Indian Affairs, U. T.
G. S. L. City, Sept. 30, 1853

Hon Geo H. Manypenny
Commissioner of Indian Affairs
Washington City, D. C.


I transmit by this mail the Report and Quarterly accounts for Agent E. A. Bedell for the Qr. ending at date, also the Reports, quarterly accounts of Sub-Agent S. B. Rose, for the quarter ending June 30th ult. and for the quarter ending this date.

The Mail which arrived this day brought me a Circular, dated August lst /53, in which my attention is directed to the 19th paragraph of Revised Regulations No. 3, with which I presumed I was familiar, and had complied invariably. Upon re-reading it I am under the same impression, but I may be mistaken in my views. The estimates alluded to I have understood to be estimates of amounts due to Indians from the Government and treaty stipulations, or otherwise, and I was not aware that our Government has obligated themselves to pay any Indians of this Territory any Specified Sums.

Should you wish any "Statements, Exhibits, or Returns, additional to the papers I have forwarded, or deem that "Estimates" are due from this Office, your wishes and views shall be complied with when made known. However I will venture to suggest that Forty Thousand Dollars is as small a sum as I think would answer the designs of this Department for this Superintendency, for the years ending June 30th 1854 & 5.

The same Mail brought me a Circular, dated Augt 3 on the subject of traders keeping open their Stores on Sunday; this has not been done in this Territory to my knowledge, neither will I permit it; also at same date your letter of August l0th arrived, informing me of the safe arrival of my Report and account.

In conclusion permit me to reiterate that in case you require additional papers from my office, you have only to infor me what you desire, and your request shall be cheerfully complied with forthwith.

Immeidately upon the arrival of Major Holeman, former Indian Agent, I instructed him to deliver all the Government property in his possession to Agent E. A. Bedell, which he promised to do forthwith, but told me his funds were limited, and he would like to use some of the animals and property to get to the States with; I informed him that perhaps the Department would allow it under the circumstances, but if he did it, he must turn it all over to the Superintendency in Missouri.

Owing to Major Holeman's arrival so near the departure of this Mail, he requested the privilege to proceed immediately east, and report to and settle with the Department personally, at Washington, which may probably answer every purpose.

Most Respectfully,
Brigham Young
Gov. & Ex-Officio Suptcy. Indian Affairs U T