1853 September 17 Letter to Saints Wishing to Settle in the Sanpete Valley


1853 September 17 Letter to Saints Wishing to Settle in the Sanpete Valley


Consent given to settle at Manti, Allred’s Settlement, or at Pleasant Creek and requirements detailed before bringing families.




Brigham Young


Saints wishing to settle in the Sanpete Valley


1853 September 17


Great Salt Lake City


Building and construction

Item sets

G. S. L. City,  Sept. 17thl 1853.

To all the Saints whom it may concern,

Dear Brethren,

I deem it excellent policy, and you have my full consent, for as many as may choose, to go with Bro. Lyman Stevens company to settle at Manti, or Allred's Settlement, or at Pleasant Creek in San pete Valley.

In case any of the brethren wish to settle at Pleasant Creek, or Allred's Settlement, I do not wish them to go to either of those places in less number than 40 able bodied men; and before they have any families there, they must make a good stone, or adobie Wall, large enough to contain all the houses comfortably, said wall to be 10 or 12 feet high, not less than 3 feet thick at the bottom, and not less than 18 inches wide at the top, and <when> that is done, they have my permission to move their families into the fort thus completed.


I Remain

Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young