1853 December 13 Letter to Amasa Lyman and Charles C. Rich


1853 December 13 Letter to Amasa Lyman and Charles C. Rich


Update on Indian Affairs and requesting payment of a draft.




Brigham Young


Amasa Lyman and Charles C. Rich


1853 December 13


Great Salt Lake City
San Bernardino, California


Indian Affairs

Item sets


Great Salt Lake City, Dec. 13th 1853

Dear Brethren,

On the 1st inst. I wrote to you in reply to your letters of Sept. 1st & Nov. 14th, and at the time I expected it would be sent after the Mail, which had not got far on its way, but no Express was started from the Post Office, hence it will reach you at the same time this does.

Since writing on the 1st, I have received by the hands of Bro. Stout the other letter you notified me of, dated Oct[r]. 31st, which I believe fills your Compliment.

With the exception of a Small foray upon Some Stock near Provo, no disturbance has occured with the Indians since the 1st. At present, the prospects are flattering that those Indians who have been hostile, will come in, & sue for peace, and endeavor to assimilate their habits to those of civilized life, much more than heretofore; and it is highly probable that a lasting peace will soon commence.

As suggested to you in our last, I have given Jn. E. Reese a draft upon you, at sight, for $5750 60/100, which I presume you will be able to honor on presentation, and as I have made arrangements to bar against accidents, you need not hesitate in Paying my draft.

The weather continues unusually mild, and peace, Union, and prosperity prevail to a goodly degree.

Praying God the Eternal Father to guide you in wisdom continually.

I remain your Bro. in the Gospel
Brigham Young

Elders Lyman & Rich
San Bernardino. Cal.