1853 November 30 Letter to Edward Martin


1853 November 30 Letter to Edward Martin


Update on Indian Affairs and Church finances


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


Edward Martin


1853 November 30


Great Salt Lake City
Glasgow, Soctland

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City Nov. 30th, 1853.

Dear Brother,

Yours of July 29th arrived safely, and I take pleasure even in the hurry of business, to write a few lines to you, in compliance with your request.

During the past season, Indian Walker, and his band have caused us much trouble, by Killing nine of the brethren, and wounding several more, and by driving off several hundred head of Stock; but present, the Indians are all quiet.

In the different affrays nineteen Indians have been Killed. From our latest reports, we learn that Walker and his bands have had a fight among themselves and split up, and a part have gone unto the Yampah River to hunt and will return so soon as they can learn that we do not wish to kill them, and walker and the other part have gone to winter among the Navajoes.

On the morning of the 26th of Oct. Captn. J. W. Gunnison and seven of his party were killed on the Sevier River, about 20 miles above the Lake, by a party of Pauvan Indians. Bro Wm. Potter of Manti, who was acting as Guide to the party, was killed in this affair.

You will probably remember Captn. Gunnison, he was on the Survey of the Great Salt Lake and Utah Lake in 1849 and 50 under Captain Stansbury, and at the time of his death, was engaged in reconnoitering a route for the Pacific Rail Road. All <the> instruments, Note Books, and some other of the property of the party were recovered by Bro D. P. Huntington and other brethren, that I sent for that purpose. The remainder of this surveying party are now in this city, purposing to winter here, and return east by another route in the Spring.

The Massacre of Captain Gunnison and a portion of his party had no connection with the Walker affair, but was the result of the wanton killing of a friendly Pauvan Indian on Corn Creek, last Sept. by a party of emigrants from the States on their way to California by the South Route.

Walker's aggressions have had the good result to expedite the securing of our crops, which have been very abundant, to stir up the different settlements to fortify properly themselves for such emergencies, according to counsel <given> all the while from the beginning, and to cause all to arm and equip themselves, and be always on the alert. The foundation and adobie work of the Temple Block wall is nearly finished on three sides, and our public Works generally are in a prosperous condition, and the Church is out of debt, and has control of a respectable amount of funds.

Peace, Union, and general good health prevail, & we are in the enjoyment of the blessings of the Lord in rich abundance.

Praying that you may be blessed, and upheld in all faithfulness.

I Remain
Your Brother in the Gospel
Brigham Young

Elder Edward Martin

41 Charlotte Street
Glasgow, Scotland.