1853 January 4 Letter to Reuben Miller


1853 January 4 Letter to Reuben Miller


Request for poles and slabs to secure City Creek. Copies of letter sent to three additional Bishops.




Daniel H. Wells


Brother Reuben Miller
Brother Stoker
Bishop Harker
Bishop Porter


1853 January 4


Great Salt Lake City


Civil Work

Item sets


Great Salt Lake City Jany 4,/53

To Bishop Reuben Miller
of Mill Creek ward

Dear Brother,

Having necessity for a considerable quantity of poles and slabs, we thought it advisable to make known our wants to you, considering that perhaps it might be in your power to render us some assistance.
We are endeavoring to secure the waters of City Creek, that our works may not receive damage by the spring freshets.

Poles and slabs from 8 to 16 feet long, the poles being large enough to split would best suit us, and for which we would credit the brethren on their Tithing. Bro. Miller, please to respond to this call without delay, do not postpone it to a late day, for we have it to perform immediately, and must necessarily have the requisite material to go on with.

Relying upon your prompt and energetic exertion to aid us in this work.

We remain your fellow Laborers in the Gospel

Daniel H. Wells

1 to Bishop Stoker
1 " " Harker
1 " " Porter