May 1835


May 1835


Brigham Young is ordained as a member of the Quorum of the 12. He serves a proselytizing mission in New England.




May 3, 1835 - May 31, 1835


Brigham Young


Eastern States
New Hampshire
New York

number of pages



Missionary Work

3-6 May 1835 • Sunday-Wednesday 

May 3th - 1835  this day held a meting with my brother in the 12 in the evening we met at the house of President Joseph Smith <Jr> at two oclock in the morning of the 4 wee the 12 started on our mishon to the east acompened by two other Brotheerin, brot on our way to Fair Port, by - El[d]or Rodger Oorton, and Wm Bosley, at 6.o.c; in the morning went <went> abor[d] of the Steam Boat Sandu[s]key Saftley arrived at Duncark harber <140 miles from home> at 4 P.M -  [[p. 44]] whare I found Julious Morton and his famely they ware well. I putoup with him that mi - in the evning of 5 in - P. Pratt and my self Preached in the acadamie to a large and a verry atten<tiv> Congration - in the evening of the 6 we L. Jonson and my self held a meting in the Villege of Laonia - 

7 May 1835 • Thursday 

7 tended a meting 2 miles west of Laonia - P. Pratt preachd 

8-11 May 1835 • Friday-Monday 

8 went to Westfield in companey with P. Pratt and L. Johnson and Brother Fisher whare I found the remainder of my Brotherin the twelve wee held our Confrence on the 9 and [[p. 43]] on the 10 Brothers T Marsh and D. Patten preached to a large Congreation 11 Confrence in the fore noon at 3 O.C P.M. I Preached - and the next morning took our leve of one another, their ware in the corse of the meting twelve Baptized - 

12-14 May 1835 • Tuesday-Thursday 

12 reterned to Laonia attended ameting in the evening the next morning started on our Jerney, traveld 10 miles putup with Brother Tinney in Hanover Brother Wm Smith that evening Preach<ed> on the evening of the 14 I Preached in Nashville to an atentive congr[ega]tion 

15 May 1835 • Friday 

15 Brother Wm Smith and my self viseted Elder Nickerson and som other Brotherin, in the evening I Preached [[p. 42]] in the Mc Bride Choolhouse  197 miles 

16 May 1835 • Saturday 

16  returnned to Brother Tinney held a meting in the evening 

17 May 1835 • Sunday 

17 I prached in the Chool house 2 miles East of Foriestvill I was folard by Brother - Wm Smith in the after noon I prachd at 5 P.M. at block chool house - and the next day wee held a meting with the Brotherin and setled som dificulty in the Church <ordained Wm McBride an elder> in the evning held a meting at Elder Nicker<sons> 

19-25 May 1835 • Tuesday-Monday 

19 wee started on our jurney stade with Brother Knight started the nex morning and arived at Doct Cowdrey [[p. 41]] the 21 whare wee found our Brotherin the 12 our confrence convened the 22 wee had a good time David Presied preachin on satterday and sunday their ware 2 Baptized; 25 started with Brother J.P. Greene and A. Orton for the purpis of visiting the remnen<t> of Joseph and here wee are at Big Valley at Lenard tavaren <J P. Greene prached that evening> 

27 May 1835 • Wednesday 

27 J P. Greene A. Orton and mi self started for the Cold Spring 12 miles down the river wee their saw meney of the seed of Joseph among them ware two Chefts one a prsbeterin the other a Pagon 

28-29 May 1835 • Thursday-Friday 

28 wee went and praid with the Prsbterin Cheft [[p. 40]] I then felt my mind at liberty wee returned to the big Valley that night  29 wee went to the Little Valley I Preached in a tavern 

30-31 May 1835 • Saturday-Sunday 

30 I then returned to big Valley and Brothers J P. Greene and A. Orton went down to the Prispterin metin house among the natives on the sabbeth day the 31 J P- Greene preached and gave them the book of Mormon, I preached at the great Valley at Lenyards tavern -