1853 July 31 Letter to John Horner


1853 July 31 Letter to John Horner


Inquiry regarding interest in a business partnership caring for and selling cattle in California and brief Utah updates.




Brigham Young


John Horner


1853 July 31


Great Salt Lake City
San Bernardino, California

Number of Pages



Business Matters
Indian Affairs

Item sets

G. S. L. City, July 31st 1853

Mr. John Horner,

Dear Bro.

Having herd of Cattle in Cal. in charge of Bros E. D. Woolley, George J. Grant, and Judson Stoddard, and hearing that the price of Cattle is at a low and on the decline, I have considered that it will be advantageous to put them on some good ranch, and let them remain for the present in the care of some Judicious person.

We have with this view considered that if it met with your approbation, your ranch might accommodate our stock, and be in a good place to find a market; of course we do not know precisely how you are situated, but your places have been recommended by those who have seen it, as being suitable for Stock grazing purposes, and if an arrangement of this kind should meet with your approbation, we may continue the business from year to year.

We propose to send cattle via San Bernardino to have them in market early in the spring. We have referred our Agent who have our stock in charge to you for an arrangement for the present enterprise, and if they do not sell soon will probably call upon you for this purpose.

We should be pleased with your views upon this subject, at as early a date as practicable. as we have previously written to you upon this subject, we now leave it with you and Brothers Woolley, Grant and Stoddard, and wait for you to consider the subject and all the business when you visit our brethren at San Bernardino , as you propose this fall.

If it is advisable to send Stock to this place, and keep it there in readiness to take advantage of the Market by forwarding to your ranch when prices are good, we suggest that some responsible person of our people should be engaged to assist you in the enterprise, and have thought of Bros. Alexander Badland or Addison Pratt if they can be got.

We have Indian difficulties in our Southern Settleme<nts> at present,
but hope that it may not prove very serious or of long duration.

Our harvest is good, and things are generally prosperous with us; the California emigration is passing with considerable large herds of Stock.

Our Emigration has not yet arrived but the first are expected in two or three Weeks.

I shall probably not visit San bernardino as contemplated this fall. Praying God my Heavenly father to bless you temporally and
spiritually in time and in eternity.

I Remain
Your Friend & Brother in the Cov[t] of Truth

Brigham Young