1853 July 31 Letter to Amasa Lyman and Charles C. Rich


1853 July 31 Letter to Amasa Lyman and Charles C. Rich


Update on Indian hostilities, permanent defenses, Emigration, and request to assist John Horne with selling Utah cattle.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


Amasa Lyman
Charles C. Rich


1853 July 31


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs
Business Matters

Item sets


G. S. L. City, July 31, 1853

Amasa Lyman &
Charles C. Rich.

Dear Brethren

Your letter dated May 2 st is received. We are happy to learn of your safe arrival, and hope that you may continue to receive the kind blessings of God our heavenly Father.

We have Indian hostilities at present. Captain Walker has at last broken through all restraint, and commenced in earnest, a regular system of Indian Warfare, by stealing and driving off Cattle, Horses &c. One man Bro Keele has been Killed at Peteneet, 3 or <4> others have been wounded, but not seriously. In one skirmish had with a scouting party, Six Indians have been killed, and a few have been wounded.

The Indians succeeded in surprising the Allred Settlement in San pete, and drove off about 200 head of Cattle and Horses. Our policy is not to follow the Indians into the Mountains, but to enter upon a system of permanent defence, in all our settlements, take care of our Grain
and stock and if the Indians fight us <they will have to> If the brethren will only do right all will soon be well.

We have written to Bro. Horne in relation to keeping Cattle upon his Ranche, and forwarding stock to him via San Bernardino in order to be in the market at the next season. Of course it will be necessary for us to have some responsible person of our people to assist Bro. Horne take immediate charge of the business

George Badlands or Addison Pratt or some suitable person that you should recommend [loss] letter not to depend upon [loss] and if Indian hostilities continue it is uncertain if any company comes through, you will therefore [loss] all of your affairs, in regard to the disposition of according to [loss] to previous advices, as wisdom shall dictate.

We are glad to learn that [loss]

We are in the midst of [loss] harvest and hope that we may profit by past experience [loss] of it than heretofore.

The California Emigration is passing with large herds of Cattle; our immigration will probably begin [loss] to arrive in about two or three weeks [loss] that it will be as large as last year, but we think it [loss] will hardly reach that point.

We are generally prosperous; the Temple wall is fast progressing.
We expect Dr. Bernhisel will be elected as our delegate at the approaching election.

Doct. Isaac Galland arrived in the city during this past week, but I have not yet seen him presume he is [loss] en-Route to California. Lieut. Gunnison has been appointed to make a Survey for the Route [loss] the [loss] route and report that, and as the route [loss]
will probably [loss] If you have a good [loss] will please to forward early [loss] Brother Grant if you can [loss]

Wishing you all prosperity, health and happiness in this and all worlds to come.

I Remain as ever
Your Friend and Brother in the Covenant of truth

Brigham Young