1853 August 20 Letter to the Captains of companies, et al.


1853 August 20 Letter to the Captains of companies, et al.


James Ferguson on expedition to quell Indian hostilities and to promote friendly relations. Counsel to those emigrating not to travel alone.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


Captains of companies
Brethren Emigrating


1853 August 20


Great Salt Lake City


Indian Affairs
Overland Travel

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City Aug[st]. 20th 1853

To the Captains of Companies and Brethren Emigrating hither

Major James Ferguson is out on an Expedition designed principally to quell Indian Hostilities and Execute processes and writs against some white people who have been guilty of breaking the laws of the United States. and Maintain the Laws of the United States and promote friendly relations with the Shoshone Indians and all others who are friendly disposed

We wish that you would render this Expedition any assistance which they may need (in case they should need any) and we also caution you against stringing along and camping in lone places

Let the Brethren travil in companies large enough to protect each other and be very careful to guard your stock and Camps at night Lest the Indians who have been friendly hitherto, but are now hostile shall come upon you.

Let no one stray away from the camp and linger alone back on the road or go ahead alone but be vigilent and keep a sharp look-out lest you be overtaken in a moment that you think not of.

Praying God My Heavenly Father to bless and preserve you.

I remain your friend & Brother
In the Covenant of Peace

Brigham Young