1852 December Ellerbeck Entries


1852 December Ellerbeck Entries


Daily activities of Brigham Young and members of the Quorum of the Twelve.




December 1852


Thomas Ellerbeck


Great Salt Lake City
San Bernardino


Church Leadership

Willard Richards Historian Presents this to Thomas Ellerbeck for him to Note Daily Historic mintutes, for the benefit of future Times.

G. S. L. City, Dec 13. 185[2]
Property of Will L Ellerbeck

December  1852  Tuesday 14th.  B. Young in Council (Legis)  twice in afternoon: staid considerable.  Fair & rather clearer than has been latterly.  Snow still on the ground - a slight thaw in the Sun to day. W R attending Legis. Session all day.  also H. C. K.

Thursday Dec: 16th 1852.    Cool and dull day  Snow on ground hard under foot  B. Young in Council <and Joint Session> considerable to day appears more lively and well.  He visited an Elderly lady Eli B. Kelsey's mother at her request and promising to support herself.  In N W. upper Room Council House  H C K in Council B Y requested the privilege of going in and out of the House  without being molested by their rising. B Y issued free Pardon to Jerome Owens who had been #

Friday Dec 17th 1852.  Dull - Strong south wind which towards evening showed evidence of it's thawing powers  snow which was on ground melted slightly
B. Y. about all day visited Legislature  H. C. K. in Leg: Council  W R in Leg: Council#
condemned to die for murder in first degree by  Judge  of First Judicial District U Ter.

Saturday Dec 18th 1852.  Southerly wind yet blows; has melted nearly all the Snow in the bottom.  Public Hands are pretty well supplied with pork from Tithing Office at 204 and lower.  Prest Young's mill is stopped lately with the want of water on acct of frost; it makes flour scarce to the hands on tithing.  Wheat articles <of wheat> is sold at 1$ cash and 2$ trade  Flour is paid the hands at 6$ per Cwt.  Can be had for Cash at 3.84$  Potatoes, there are none now in Tithing.

Sunday 19th  South wind yet strong!  at Evening wheeled about and a snow storm came.  C. C. Rich arrived from San Bernardino  Bro A Lyman having broke the axle tree of his wagon in Utah did not come in with him

Monday 20th  Dec 1852  Sun shone some, thawed a little  B Y in Leg Council P M very well and Cheerful -  H. C K.  W R in Council.  Bishop E. Hunter has been sick laterly  is some better.  Amasa Lyman arrived in the city from San Bernardino in good health.

Tuesday 21st Dec 1852  Sharp frost last night  Snow falling in afternoon.  B. Y. in Legislative Council in afternoon H C K in Legislative Council all day  W R in Legislative Council all day.  C C R and A Lyman in afternoon T B  T.W.E in Legislature during this Session

Wednesday 22d Dec 1852.  Snow falling.  It is about 6 or 8 in deep.  Not very cold.  B. Y. in Legislature some to day  H.C.K.  W R T.B.  T W E in Legislature all day

Thursday Dec 23rd. 1852  Another very heavy fall of snow in the night.  It is about 14 inches deep.  B Y

Friday 24th Dec  1852.  Still dull very slightly thawing.  W. R. in Legislature   H C K

Saturday 25th Dec 1852.  Christmas Day.  Being customary, Legislature Adjourned last evening till next Monday - A Pic Nic Party in both school houses of 14th ward. Preaching by Elders A Lyman John Taylor, F. D. Richards, W. Woodruff.  Ballo's Brass Band in attendance.  Dancing cont'd till 11 0.'C P. M.  Band Music serenaded B Young early in the morning - they were out all day   T B attended said Party

Sunday 26 Dec 1852.  About 2 inches more of Snow fell last night.  Still storms a little. B Y preached at Tabernacle and A. Lyman

Monday Dec 27th 1852.  Rather Dull this morning.  It has been excellent sleighing these few days past.  Very hard frost last night and 3 in Snow  Sun clear through the middle of the day - slightly thawing

Legislature in Joint Session to day  B Y present  well apparently  H C K present  W R present  Mr Secretary Ferris present also.

A Letter was written to Messrs D Candland & others about a week since in reply that the Social Hall could be had on New Years Day for a "Party"-- However the Hall it was concluded could not be had as it could not be finished by that time and so it fell through as some of the boys are joking them about it   T B in House of Representatives

Tuesday Dec 28th 1852.  Fair, and dull  B Young   H C. K in Council - preached a short discourse - said he could only preach half  to the Saints in Tabernacle.  Was a little more at liberty there.  W.R. in Council - went home as appeared subsequently - rather sick.

Wednesday Dec 29th 1852   Dull - but thawing - commenced raining a little - Has been a dredful time for cattle - hope the thaw will continue.  B Y came in Legislature Ass. who were in Joint Session  H C K in Leg Ass:  W R- sick, bad cold - at home to recover  A Carrington Code Commission sustains himself nobly in defending their Bills which have so far passed -

Thursday Dec 30. 1852.  Rained considerable last night.  Thaw  still continuing makes the grass bare so cattle can eat some.  Dull and mild.

A letter has been received from David Candland by B. Young complaining of Mrs. Rumor.  Thinks he is right and wishes to be set right or else the people B Y sends him a reply for which see letter - Draughted out by D. H. Wells, who is an excellent linguist and a man of great comprehension.

Friday 31 Dec 1852.  Has been a mild night.  The Streets are partially bare; and covered with melting snow.  Dull morning.  At the Quorum meeting held on Tuesday evening last of 27th Seventies, T Bullock praying asked that the Snow might melt and prayed greatly with the Spirit, which every one must have felt.  Since then the thaw has begun  May God Grant its continuance for His sake.

One man has not all knowledge given to him at once, it is observable that when two persons are in a meeting, though one of them have greater priesthood than the other, if he is not his president, <he> often he fails to take a more correct view of matters under discussion, than the other, But light comes through the President.  This is so in the Legislative Council.  Legislature adjourned this P M till Monday next.