August 1835


August 1835


Brigham Young, along with members of the Quorum of the Twelve, travel the Eastern States on a proselytizing mission.




August 2, 1835- August 30, 1835


Brigham Young


Rhode Island

number of pages



Missionary Work

Item sets

2-6 August 1835 • Sunday-Thursday 

sabeth day I Preched at Brother Millers a bout 1 mile of out of Providence and Baptized one then went to Pawtucket and and [sic]B Preached at 5 P.M.  a monday I spent the time with my frends and convirsed in the evening whith som in the c and found them som beleving  a tusday Brother Egar and my self went to Boston spent the time till thursday Preached once and then went to Bradford - [[p. 27]] 

7-9 August 1835 • Friday-Sunday 

August 7[th]- 1835 fridia our confrence was opned Elder Wm Smith prezided whe had a good confre[n]ce Preachen Satterday  and sunday I Preached once in the place, we found Fathers and mothers sisters and Brothers who opened their houses <to ous> - and adminersted to our releif } sence the 24 of day of July I have traveled abou[t] 160 miles - making in all about 1055 miles sence I left Kirtland 

11-23 August 1835 • Tuesday-Sunday 

O. Hyde and myself then left Bradford and went to Lowel and a [11 tusday] Brother Hyde Preached in the Jefferson Haul and I Preached the next night to a large congration and they ware [[p. 26]] August the 14 1835 ware inquirin thursday the next 14 morning we came to Boston and today we spent the time in Boston till the 16 and Elder,s Marsh - Pratt and my self Preached in the Julian hall - monday <the> 17 we started for Saco Confrenc which set the 21 of August we arived at Saco on wensday I Preached thursday evening then our confrence on fridia  Elder Boyington Prezi[d]ed on satterday in the fore noon Elder Marsh Preached I Preached in the afternon Elders Kimbel and Hyde Preached in fore noon on the sabath  P. Pratt in the after non - 

24-30 August • Monday-Sunday 

monday the 24 we held a meting with the Brothering and [[p. 25]] gave them such in structtion as was nessary for them to have on tusday the 25 we started [for] formington we arived in farmington wensday 26 our confrence set on fridia the 28 Elder Lyman Johnson Presied we had a good confrence on satterday Elder Luke Johnson Preached in the forenoon I Preached in the afternon J. Boyington L. Johnson on the Sabath we held our confrence at Mr Pinkham tavern and our publick metings in the meting house at Farming<ton> Center we then returned to Saco whare the Brothering helpd ous to som monney to get home