1853 August 26 Deed of Appointment of John M. Bernhisel to Represent Willard Richards


1853 August 26 Deed of Appointment of John M. Bernhisel to Represent Willard Richards


Legal Document appointing John M. Bernhisel as lawful attorney and representative for Willard Richards and empowering Bernhisel to execute all needful instruments and papers on behalf of the postmaster.

Date Issued

1853 August 26


Great Salt Lake City

Signed By

Willard Richard


Albert Carrington
Daniel Mackintosh


Legal Document

Item sets



That I Willard Richards, Postmaster of G. S. L. City, G. S. L. County, Utah Territory, do hereby constitute and appoint the Hon John M Bernhisel of the aforesaid City, County, and Territory, to be my true sufficient and lawful Attorney for, and in my name, and for my use, to make use of my name as Postmaster, to certify to the Sufficienty of Heber C. Kimball, Orson Hyde, J. M. Grant, and Ezra T. Benson, as Guarantors for the following named Mail Routes, viz: from G. S. L. City U. T. to Independence Mo; from G. S. L. City to Youngsville; from G. S. L. City, to Tooele City, U. T. Bidder Edward Hunter.
From Harmony, Washington County U. T. to San Diego, via San Bernardino California; from G. S. L. City, to Manti San Pete County, U. T. and from Harmony Washington County to Nephi, Juab County, U. T. Daniel H. Wells bidder; and

FOR THE PURPOSES AFORESAID. I do hereby grant unto my said Attorney full power to execute all needful instruments, and papers, whither under Seal or otherwise, and generally do and perform all such acts, matters, and things, as my said Attorney shall deem necessary and expedient, for the complete, and effectual execution of the Authority herein before granted, as fully as I might and could do if I were personally present; I hereby ratifying and confirming all the acts of my said Attorney. Done by virtue and in pursuance of these Presents.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and seal, this 26th day of Augt in the year, of our Lord, Eighteen Hundred and Fifty Three.

Willard Richards (L.S.)

Signed, Sealed, and
delivered in presence of

Albert Carrington.
Daniel Mackintosh.