1853 July 25 Letter to Julia Hampton


1853 July 25 Letter to Julia Hampton


Offering Julia Hampton assistance to emigrate next season.




Brigham Young


Julia Hampton


1853 July 25


Great Salt Lake City
Jacksonville, Morgan County, Illinois



Item sets

Great Salt Lake City July 25th 1853

Dear Sister.

Your letter of March lst arrived a few days since and I was much cheered to hear of your welfare and that ofyour children.

I fully sympathise with your condition and [loss] and you are doubtless well aware that it has not been from any want of solicitude on my part that you have remained so long isolated from the body of the Church; but cares and [loss] have so multiplied upon me since I last saw you that it has been lmpossible for me to provide for all I could have wished. However the Lord is constantly increasing my means [loss] and [loss] of this people; and greatly blessing our zealous efforts to remove all the destitute Saints from the midst of wickedness and oppression to these peaceful vallies.

I shall instruct Bro. Horace S. Eldredge, our agent St Louis, with whom you can communicate by letter at any time,and Levi Stewart to call upon you, and give you such counsel and comfort as the spirit may dictate and answer such questions as you may wish to ask, and also to make arrangements to bring you and your family to this place next season, in case you will wish to come here and share in the abundance of blessings showered upon us, and in the privilege of worshiping your God accord to his revelations.

My health and that of my family is good, and health continues to be enjoyed by the great majority of our population. Now that houses are built, and the comforts <of> life begins to surround us in [loss]

My efforts are mainly directed to
spreading the Gospel to the nations, and
also in doing tbe will of the Lord vallies of the

Praying God the Eternal you and your
children with His spirit continually

I Remain
Your in the Gospel

signed Brigham Young

Julia Hampton
Morgan County