1853 July 28 Letter to Samuel W. Richards


1853 July 28 Letter to Samuel W. Richards


Updates on financial payments and Indian hostilities.




Brigham Young


Samuel W. Richards


1853 July 28


Great Salt Lake City
Liverpool, England

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs

Item sets


G. S. L
Great Salt Lake City, July 28th 1853

Dear Bro. Samuel,

By the last Mail I received one letter from you, dated May 27th written and signed by Bro Linforth, and one dated May 31st over your signature, in both of which you mention the Three Month's Bill for L 150.0.0 of Mr. Wm. Howard, and said Bill came to hand with them, and will be attended to on the arrival of Mr. Howard.

With regard to our previous instructions to you, to furnish Bro. H. S. Eldredge means for filling certain bills, I will inform you that I have since furnished Bro Eldredge Five Thousand Dollars in Cash through another source for that purpose. I communicate this fact, that you may not feel uneasy through fear that he might draw on you while you are in straitened circumstances on account of having strained every poont to fit out the last emigration.

On the 18th inst, the Utah Indian Chief Walker, gave vent to his long pent up ill feelings, by commencing hostilities in Utah County; on that day Alezander Keele was shot while on guard at Payson, supposed to have been done by Arrowpine one of Walker's brothers. On the 19th Bro Wm Jolly was wounded in the arm while on guard at Springville; and on the night of the same day two settlements in San Pete County were menaced, and some cattle driven off and an Indian wounded, and at Nephi three horses were stolen showing that the Indians were in some force, and acting in concert with determined hostility.

On the 24th Clark Roberts was shot in the shoulder, and John Berry in the wrist while bringing in an express by some Indians secreted in the vacated houses at Summit Creek; this sums up all the injury to persons received by us up to date.

On the 24th, one of our scouting parties fell in with a party of 20
or 30 Indians who upon being hailed, said they were hostile & began firing, when our party charged upon them and killed six, suffering no damage to themselves.

I have sent out parties to strengthen the weak settlements and help them in preparing their fortifications and taking care of their property. How long disturbances may continue is not yet known, but no longer than the lord may deem it necessary for the benefit and instructions of his saints.
My health, and that of your family and of the people generally is good, and we are prospered abundantly of the Lord in our efforts to accomplish his purposes in bringing us into these vallies.

As no further events of interest occur to me I will close praying the Iord to bless you continually that you may accomplish all the desires of your heart in righteousness.

I remain your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young

Elder Saml W. Richards
15 Wilton St,