August-September 1836


August-September 1836


Brigham Young serves a proselytizing mission in the Eastern States.




2 August 1836-9 September 1836


Brigham Young


Rhode Island
New York

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Missionary Work

Item sets

2-5 August, 1836 • Tuesday-Friday 

2 August the <5 1836> [Tuesday]  went to Holeston and found the frends well we spent the night with Mr Rockwo[o]d found them to be verry agreable they rased no objecton to the Book of mormon the next day we went [to] Unkel Havens cauled on the wider Bolard and took dinner with her we spent the after noon at unkles had aplesent viset  thursday we took the cars for Boston arived there about 1/2 past 8 frida Unkel N. Howe came to Boston we found Brother Sameul Smith and Brother Burnet at Sisters Brewers 

5-30 August 1836  

the 5 of August - we tared here frida and held a meting in the eveng [e]vening we tared the next [[p. 7]] day on sunday [Aug 7] we held a meting in the fore noon and after noon and Baptised Hulday Wilcox and Nabby Abig[a]il Bucanon then returned to sister Brewers and confirmes them in  the evening held a meting on monday the 8 [Aug] Brothers Hyram Smith and Oliver Cowdry came to Sisters Brewers it rejoicd our harts monday started for Newry confren[ce] [[p. 8]] I went on bord of the steam boat Endependance at 7 P.M. we [were] about about half way to Portland and the wind and storm beat ous back to cape Ann there we lay till Tusday [Aug 9] 4 P.M. then we went to Portland then I went to the Confrence Brother Milacan let me have a horse to go - our confrence set on the 12 of August we had a good time in Confrence on satterday [Aug 13] we held our publick meting in the Baptis[t] meting house Brother Snow Preachd in the fore noon and Brother [[p. 9]] Stodard in after noon on Sunday [Aug 14] I Preached in fore noon Elder  E  L. E. Johnson in after noon I then returned to Boston I Baptized 2 Frances Smith and Ruth Vose on monday [Aug 15] Brother J. Y. and I started for Providence whare we held a confrence and ordaine one Brother Remington an Elder Brother Evlet helped ous to some monney to get home Brother Miller broth ous on our Jurney as far as Canaan Cn Conn [[p. 10]] whare we tarred over the sabath Preached and Baptized one then Brother Frances Benideck Braugh ous on our way as farr as Richmon Mass to Unkle Richards,s  

2-9 September 1836 • Friday-Friday 

on fridia the 2 of Sept Coson Willard Richards Levi Richards braut ous as far as Al[b]any there we took the cars to Chenecade we then took a bout for Bufulow we had agood Jorny we arived home the 9 day of Sept 1836 [[p. 11, remainder of page blank]]