1 June, 1836 • Wednesday
on the first day of June Brother Wm Baker and my self went on to the mountin cold [called] the hay stak on this day I am 35 years old this day Brother Barkir [Baker] and I cold on a methides priest by the name of Poore we bore testmoney of the book of Morman he and a young man that was their uterly rejected our testmony wee then shook of the dust of our feet [[p. 3]] as atestamoney a ganst them and when wee cam to Pure watter we whashed our feet and bore witness unto the Father - we then went up the mounten to Copt Ephram Roberson, and staed that night and found one sister
2-8 June 1836 • Thursday-Wednesday
June 2 we s viseted a famely that was frendly to the work we returned that night to Father Markes [Markey?] and staid that the next day [Friday June 3] I preachd at the brick Shoole house in Pawlet the next day. we went to RuPort and spent the [[p. 4]] Sabeth [June 5], an Stusday the 7 I went from Granville to Pawlet and Baptized Sary Marks and Debria Wooster and returned to Granville that night wensday [June 8] we went down to white Crick
9-10 June 1836 • Thursday-Friday
thursday the 9 [June] we went to Shafsbury to visit the Brothering I found them verry low in religon I staid at Brother Daniel Booins this day 10 [June Friday] I am at Brother Tays [Fays?] -
12-13 June 1836 • Sunday-Monday
monday the 13 of June [1836] last friday and satday eveng I Preached near Daniel Booin sunday [June 12] at 10 A.M. I Preached at the [pp. 5]] C Choolhouse at maple hill in Shafbury then went to white Crick meting house and Preached at 4 P.M. then returned to Shafbury East holler and Preached at Brother Sadams
13-16 June 1836 • Monday-Thursday
thursday 16 last manday [June 13] I came down to white Crick met W. Barker we went to Brother Wolfs I Preached that night the next day [June 14] to Isac Brownnels had som conversation with him he rejected our testmoney and a bused ous and turned me out a dore and [[p. 6]] I washed my feet aganst him I Preached that night in the naborhood the next day [June 15 Wednesday] we went and viseted som of W. B. friends I Preached in the vilige nere the factory had a larg congragation this day I am going to the crik agan
16-18 June 1836 • Thursday-Saturday
18 thirsday [16 June] I Preached in the meting house at the Crick friday [17 June] I went to Sh[a]ftsbury Priched in the evning Satteday went to woodford to Bro[t]hers Hollister satterday the 18 - [[p. 7]]
19-26 June 1836 • Sunday-Sunday
on sunday [19 June] I Preached in the Corthouse at Benington went that day to Hoosack staed the next day [Monday June 20], on tusday [June 21] Brother Barker and my self started for Utica Went to troy took the steam Boat for Albana took the rail rode for Chenectada then the canal we ware stoped at Schohary Crick I then left Brother Barker went on foot to Utica found Brothers [[p. 8]] Joseph [and] Elizer Reed at Whites Borough we then returned down the canal as far as A.H. Reeds tavern we left Brother Reed and we went on down the canal sam of the way by boat som by awagon and rail Rode a Satterday evening [June 25] 10 miles east of Alboney Sunday morning [June 26] we had a chance to ride to New lebnon springs we went and attended a meting among the Shakers and then went [to] Unkel Richards whare I am now.