1854 February 28 Letter to Alexander Badlam


1854 February 28 Letter to Alexander Badlam


Praise for following counsel and encouragement to continue in faith. Update on Indian Affairs.




Brigham Young


Alexander Badlam


1854 February 28


Great Salt Lake City
Sacramento, California

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City
Territory of Utah, Feby 28th, 1854.

Dear Bro. Badlam,

Yours of Decr. 30th, arrived on the l0th inst, and I was highly gratified to learn of your continued faithfulness, and your earnest and hearty compliance with the counsel you received; more especially when I contrast your conduct and feelings with the circumstances in which you are acting.

It is not necessary for me to remind you that great faith, strict obedience, and untiring perseverance are required to accomplish the good we jointly and severally have in view; for you can fully realise this fact in what is continually passing in the sphere of your own experience.

I hope you will not spare any reasonable efforts until you are sufficiently acquainted with the Chinese language to be able to preach in it.

Since the last news you received from here, the weather has been unusually cold at times, which has hindered the prosecution of much out door work, and has also caused the hostile Indians to remain quietly on the East side of Wahsatch mountains. Whether those Indians will commence depredations when the weather opens remains to be learned, but we shall endeavor to be prepared for either event.

The Wall around this City is progressing slowly, still the citizens ar prepared to prosecute the work vigorously, so soon as the Weather is a little milder. My health continues quite good for winter weather and generally the people are in the enjoyment of this great blessing. Prest. Richards has been very unwell, but is now recovering. We continue to rejoice in union and abundant prosperity, far from and undisturbed by the vain imaginations and follies that are occupying the nations,-- even the rumor thereof falling faintly upon our ears, as we listen from the altitude of our Mountain Home.

Praying for your faithfulness, and guidance by the Spirit,

I remain your brother in the Gospel

Mr. Alexander Badlam Brigham Young
Sacramento, California