1854 February 1 Letter to John M. Bernhisel


1854 February 1 Letter to John M. Bernhisel


A request that Bernhisel facilitate a good relationship with Babbitt, who has agreed to further Utah's interests in Washington and ascertain if the Penitentiary bond is acceptable.




Brigham Young


John M. Bernhisel


1894 February 1


Great Salt Lake City
Washington City, D. C.

Number of Pages



Building and Construction

Item sets


Utah Territory
Great Salt Lake City Feby 1, 1854

Bro Bernhisel,

I have written you two letters, dated Jany. 1. Ult. one of which I sent by the Eastern mail, which left this morning, the other, and this I send by the hands of the Hon. A. W. Babbitt, Secretary of Utah, with the view to insure their safe arrival. Since writing the two letters, dated Jany 31st. I have had a quite satisfactory conversation with Mr. Babbitt, during which he expressed good feelings and wishes towards the people of Utah, and a desire and willingness to further our interests at Washington, and a readiness to cooperate with you at any time you may wish.

From the spirit manifested by Mr Babbitt at the close of our interview, and since, and from the severity of the letter you wrote him last summer, and which I counseled him not to answer, I venture to suggest that you waive etiquette in this case, and first call on Mr. Babbitt, on his arrival in Washington. I wish you to do this in a friendly manner, and inasmuch as he shall still continues disposed to befriend Israel, I certainly deem it politic, and in such case due Mr. Babbitt, that you courteously afford him every reasonable facility to develop his good designs, and kindly profered aid.

In addition to the Memorials already enclosed, I forward with this, the proceedings, and resolutions of a Mass meeting, on the subject of the Pacific Railway, held in this City on on the 31st Ultimo, also a few slips of the daily minutes of our last Assembly.

Feramorz Little's bond for building the Penitentiary has taken another position this morning and Mr. Babbitt will take a correct copy of it on with the plans and bid, and if the conditions of the bond are accepted by the Department, I wish to know when the $20,000. for the Penitentiary are placed in your hands, or subject to your order, at the earliest possible date, in order that said funds can be drawn for, and the building progress as soon as possible.

Doctor Richards health is improving and strong hopes are now entertained of his recovery.

Praying for your guidance and success in the ways of Truth and usefulness.

I Remain Your Brother in the Gospel
Hon Brigham Young

John M. Bernhisel
Washington City
D. C.