1854 March 8 Letter to A. S. Dudley


1854 March 8 Letter to A. S. Dudley


Responding to an inquiry concerning employment opportunities for a doctor or dentist in Utah and access to needed supplies.




Brigham Young


A. S. Dudley


1854 March 8


Great Salt Lake City
Provincetown, Massachusetts


Business Matters

Item sets


Great Salt Lake City, March 8th, 1854.

Dear Sir.

The arrival of your letters of enquiry, dated 3rd December did not admit of an earlier reply, as our Mails are only Monthly, at best, and often fail to make time in the Winter Months. Owing to the healthiness of our climate, there is not much employment for the Physicians already in our midst, still a really skillfull and Judicious Doctor would meet with his share of business, in proportion to his skill and conduct, at the same time I am not acquainted with any Doctor in Utah,, who is obtaining a very rich living, solely by the practice of his profession.

There are no Dentists in our Territory, who are very skillful, and no Person acquainted with the manufacture of mineral teeth, hence I presume you might obtain a very lucrative practice in the Dental Art. more especially if you are really skillful in it. A Doctor Hotchkiss from New Haven, Conn. practiced Dentistry here a short time, and made property very fast; he went to California.

Should you conclude to practice Dentistry here, you will have to bring those materials you need, except the gold plate, and a sufficient quantity to last until you can get a new supply, for which there is not a good opportunity oftener than once a year. It may be you could obtain some of the ingridients for the mineral teeth here, but not knowing what you use, I cannot tell which.

Our civil Law and regulations are like those of all the States and Territories, of course, offering no impediment to the largest useful freedom. About the only difference between us and our Neighbors is that we have occasion for but few Law suits.
Trusting that my reply will be seasonable and satisfactory.

I Remain Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant

Brigham Young

A. S. Dudley, M. D.