1854 March 13 Letter to the Presidents, Bishop and Brethren at Fillmore


1854 March 13 Letter to the Presidents, Bishop and Brethren at Fillmore


Two apostles will be sent to Fillmore to establish union in that settlement. Brigham urges them to heed their counsel.




Brigham Young


Presidents, Bishop and Brethren at Fillmore


1854 March 13


Great Salt Lake City
Fillmore City

Number of Pages



Church Leadership
Church Doctrine
Indian Affairs

Item sets


Great Salt Lake City, Mch 13th 1854.

To The Presidents, Bishop,
and Brethren at Fillmore City, Greeting:

Feeling ever desirous for the salvation of the saints, and that Truth and righteousness may rise and abound more abundantly in the bosoms of the faithful, and be established upon the earth; that Zion may arise in her beauty and dispel the darkness which enwraps the world, and the minds of the People, and also having the testimony of Jesus in the hope of a resurrection from the dead in his likeness, who having <passed> through, hath the keys thereof, as also the Testimony of the blood of the Martyrs, and of the Saints, which has been shed by lawless and wicked men, and which testimony we also bear in connection with our brethren, as a saviour of life unto life, or of death unto death.

Therefore Brethren, we feel it our duty to adjure you in the name of our Lord and Saviour to abstain from evil, and dwell together in unity, peace, and love, one with another; being ever mindful of the warfare pertaining unto the character and life of Saints, of the most high God, knowing that the adversary of all Good seeketh to overcome all truth, and destroy from the face of the earth the living oracles of our God. We are therefore constrained to send our Beloved Brethren of the Twelve Apostles, Brothers E. T. Benson and Erastus Snow, who will instruct you in humility, bearing a faithful testimony of the Truth unto you. We commend them unto you as men of God, unto whose words you will do well to give heed. It has been with painful feelings that we have learned of your divisions, and contentions, the more especially when danger surrounds, and is made apparent by the very spirit which exists in your midst. Disunion while it weakens your settlement, strengthens and encourages your enemies.

In all good conscience, Brethren, let your divisions cease, then then and then only can you expect to gain strength, finish your defences, and exhibit an unbroken phalanx against your enemies: then and then only can you expect to gain favor and influence with God, and obtain his spirit to guide and preserve you in the purity of the faith.

Thus having the combined faith and works of the entire settlement, your leaders, as well as yourselves, can exert a salutary and benign influence upon the Natives who surround you, and overcome the savage propensity of their at present degraded natures. You will then be able to control them for good, and regain that influence over them which in a measure has been so unfortunately lost.

Relying brethren upon your integrity and evident desires to do good, we leave you in the hands of the brethren whom we send unto you, hoping and praying that God may preserve you from evil.

I Remain
Your friend & Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young