1854 March 31 Letter to William S. Mcnight


1854 March 31 Letter to William S. Mcnight


Brigham responds to an inquiry concerning the demand for common goods in the territory.




Brigham Young


William S. Mcnight


1854 March 31


Great Salt Lake City
St Louis, Missouri


Business Matters

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City, Mar 31st. 1854.

Dear Sir,

In accordance with your request, in yours of 4th January I have to inform you that judging the future from the past market, the amount you mention could be sold to advantage in much less time than one year, though I do not know the total amount of goods to arrive here this season. but this market has never yet been overstocked with suitable goods. As to the kind of good. most suitable to this market, I would advise that the stock be composed entirely, or nearly so, of staple articles, such as prints, domestics, cassinetts, cassimeres, flannels, linseys, jeans, cottonades, tickings, hickory shirtings, sheepsgray, crash, cotton batting, cotton yarn, carpet warp, &c. some crockery, steel, glass, nails, dye stuffs, sugar, golden syrup, & sugar houso molasses; in short any and all articles in commond demand among a people so circumstanced, at present, as to prefer necessaries and comforts to luxuries.

Trusting my reply may prove seasonable and satisfactory;
I Remain,

Respectfully your obt. Servant
Brigham Young

Wm. S. McKnight Esq.
St Louis