1854 March 31 Letter to Samuel or Franklin Richards


1854 March 31 Letter to Samuel or Franklin Richards


A request to instruct Brother Franklin on the affairs of the office and an update on Indian affairs and the death of Willard Richards.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


Letter to Samuel or Franklin Richards


1854 March 31


Great Salt Lake City


Indian Affairs
Business Matters

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City, March 31st, 1854

Dear bro. Samuel <Franklin>

Yours of Dec 13th came safe to hand on the 10th inst, and in reply I have to inform you that bro Franklin is fully instructed in the matter of exchange between this and the Liverpool Office, and that it will be best to let the commission be paid invariably at this office, for several obvious reasons. Bro Franklin, in company with several elders will leave with this mail en route for England, and I wish you to remain there long enough to properly instruct brother Franklin in the run of the current business of the office, when you are at full liberty to start for home, where we shall all rejoice to greet you.

Indian Walker has come in from his winter quarters professing friendship & a desire for lasting peace, and in accordance with his request, I dispatched Agent E. A. Bedell, & Interpreter D. B. Huntington to have a talk with him at Fillmore City; and present information warrants us in believing that the Spirit of the Lord is moving upon our red brethren for our mutual benefit & welfare. Other general news remains as at my last date. & the people are very busy prosecuting the labors necessary to aid in securing an abundant harvest, in setting out fruit & shade trees & feeling active out door labor a relief & pleasure, rather than a task, after the past cold & stormy weather.

Notwithstanding the continued prevalence of general health still death occasionally finds his way to the saints in the valleys of the mountains & has lately picked out a shining mark. On the 11th inst at 9 (1/2) A. M. our beloved brother Willard Richards ceased his labors & sufferings in this time & his spirit has passed behind the vail to rejoice with Joseph & Hyrum and the faithful who have gone before, & to continue to lend far more efficient aid to the cause of Zion.

Ever praying that we may be also ready, I Remain your
brother in the Covenant
Brigham Young

P S.
Please say to bro. Franklin, with regard to the new Alphabet, he may practice upon it as it was when he left home, but do nothing about getting any type case until he gets further orders.