Great Salt Lake City, Apl. 29/54
Elder Orson Pratt
Washington City
D C.
Dear brother,
Yours of Nov 30th came safe to hand on the 13[t][h] inst, and I was pleased to learn of your faithful perseverance, and increasing satisfaction in your mission. The list of books you allude to as furnished the Harvard University is on file. You speak of bro A. F. Farr as a suitable person to preside at St Louis when bro Eldredge leaves; If you receive all the letters I forward you have learned that bro Farr and the missionaries now in the States are at liberty to return home this season, if they wish. You will learn, from the Deseret News the proceedings of the last Conference, at which many thousand saints were present, and to all appearance highly edified, and well pleased. Bros. Orson Pratt and Orson Spencer were appointed on missions to the United States East of the Rocky Mountains, and to labor more immediately in the neighborhood of Cincinatti; tho it is presumed you will start for home as soon as reasonably consistent, with a view to aid bro Horace on the route, as before suggested, and to tarry here until next Spring before you enter actively upon the field of your newly appointed mission. Bros Erastus Snow and Milo Andrus are appointed to labor at St. Louis, and neighborhood, and 13 other Elders were appointed to the States. It is designed to establish gathering places for the saints near Cincinatti & St Louis and from time to time in such other places in the States & Territories as wisdom may dictate. Among other items at our last Conference it was proposed to all the brethren who desired to do so to deed their property to the Church and receive their stewardships from the hands of the Bishop. The Spirit bore testimony to the saints of the wisdom of this policy, and hundreds have already enrolled their names to go into the operation, which, if faithfully carried out as spiritedly as began, will be of great benefit. Our red neighbors are quiet and to all appearance peaceably disposed, and express a desire for lasting peace. As to our new boundary, if the Nebraska Bill passes, it will be all right as we already have a majority of settlers in the contemplated Territory, and in carrying out our plans for the more rapid gathering of the foreign saints, that Majority will doubtless continue to increase. You will note at once how easily the plans of the adversary are circumscribed by the Lord, for if necessary we can now have two Territories instead of one.
All matters at home are moving on prosperously and harmoniously, and your family and more immediate friends are in the enjoyment of usual health, which always is a source of much satisfaction to all saints, and probably has a keener zest to those who are laboring amid the strife, confusion, and scoffs of the wicked.
ln case you cannot consistently start home in season to assist bro Horace on the plains, I presume he will be able to get along without much trouble; but whether you get ready early or late, I think it will be best for you to come here, and spend the coming winter with us, and your family & I wish you to do so, as Bro Spencer can manage at Cincinatti until another season. Father John Smith's health is quite poor.
Ever praying for your welfare,
I remain your brother in the Covenant
Signed Brigham Young