1854 May 31 Letter to John M. Horner


1854 May 31 Letter to John M. Horner


Brigham gives an update on the Southern settlements and discusses several different drafts involving Horner.




Brigham Young


John M. Horner


1854 May 31


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs

Item sets


Great Salt Lake City, June 4th 1854

John M. Horner

Dear brother,

Your favor of April 21st was received yesterday, by due course of mail. Enclosed we find your draft for $8352.67 which we presume will be available this Fall. We have just returned from our Southern trip all in good health and spirits having been absent 27 days. We were successful in making peace with the Indians so far as we were able to meet them. Health and a general time of prosperity attends the efforts of the saints throughout the valleys of the mountains. We have abundant reason to give praise and thanksgiving unto the Most High for bringing us to the enjoyment of peace and quietness in these sequestered vales.

Upon the strength of one of your letters stating that you would have some means for us in the Spring we drew on you in favor of Livingston & Kinkead for $1686.00 and advised you accordingly. We were sorry that we had done so when we received your letter per bro Chapman, but now upon our arrival home we find your Draft on John M. Horner & Co. and also ascertaining that Mr Kinkead had not left as soon as he intended, and that the draft had been forwarded by his train and would not be presented until he should arrive we have made other arrangements with him by which we cancel it here without troubling you further about it. We should not have drawn upon you had we realised the pressure of your affairs and the closeness of monetary matters in California.

I sincerely hope that you may realize your fullest expectations in regard to worldly matters, but more than all and everything else besides, hope and pray that your treasures may be laid up in heaven, and that you may be preserved from all evil, all error and all sin, pure and holy before the Lord your God, and ultimately receive salvation in in his Celestial Kingdom, which God grant for his Son's sake. Amen

I Remain, as ever
your friend and brother in the
Gospel of Peace

Brigham Young