January 1840


January 1840


Brigham Young and George A. Smith travel and preach in New York and Connecticut. They visit the home of Parley Pratt.




1-31 January 1840


Brigham Young


New York

number of pages



Missionary Work

1 January 1840 • Wednesday 

on wensday the 1 day of Janu[a]ry 1840 Brother G. A. Smith & miself <left> Hamilton after Staying with the Brotherin three weaks and better we had a good visit with the Brotherin they helped ous on our jorney  

2-7 January 1840 • Thursday-Tuesday 

on thursday the 2 came to Utica Brother James Gifford braught; fridia the 3 came [to] Albona [Albany] <put up> at the Railrode House 4 [Jan] found the Brothern in Albana went to Troy & then to Lancenburge [Lansingburgh] heard Brother P. Richards Preach on sunday the 5 I Preached in Lancenbu[rg] returened to Troy held a meeting with the Brotherin monday [6 Jan] returned to Albana tusday took the stage came to Richmond found the frends well spent the time with the our cosons had a good visit  

8-12 January 1840 • Wednesday-Sunday 

I Preached on wensday evening [8 Jan] G. A. Smith on thirsday evening [9 Jan] Sunday the 12 we had a meting at Wm Persons Brother Burnon was with ous Brother <Jon. O> [insertion in brown ink] Duke from Albana Preached. 
17-26 January 1840 • Friday-Sunday 

on frida the 17 Edwin Persons braut ous to Canon [Canaan]  Connectticut Prached sunda the 19 at Sheffield mills found the Brotherin well. staed till sunday the 26 G. A. S. & myself held ameting at Brothers Frenchs 
27-31 January 1840 • Monday-Friday 

monday 27 Brothers Smith & French convaed ous to New Haven we had to stay till friday <31>  we took the steam Boat New Haven went within 18 miles of New York took caredge arived in New York about 10 in the evening found P. P. Pratts house in afue minits.