1854 June 26 Letter to Thomas S. Smith


1854 June 26 Letter to Thomas S. Smith


Wells requests the delivery of Lumber through labor Tithing.




Daniel H Wells


Thomas S. Smith


1854 June 26


Great Salt Lake City


Building and Construction

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City, June 26th. 1854.
Col. Thomas S. Smith,

Dear Brother,

I understand by bro. Jos Cain that we can get some 2 or 3 thousand feet of lumber at Dr. Richard's Mill. We are very much in need of this lumber, and I write to you as I understand that you are Counselor to the Bishop, as the suggestion of President Young for you to call upon the ward and get this lumber delivered here, at the city on labor tithing. Bro. Smith, we are aware that this is a busy season of the year with Farms, but it is also with us, you are aware that the season for building in this country is short, it therefore becomes necessary to go along with the press of other business, or the Fall and Winter is upon us before we can accomplish much of anything.

Believing that you will take hold of this matter energetically and push it through as I understand the road is now fixed.

I Remain, with high respect,
Your brother in the work of the Last Days

Daniel H Wells