1854 June 26 Letter to R. W. Allred, et al.


1854 June 26 Letter to R. W. Allred, et al.


An update on crops and counsel to increase the wall thickness and height on their fort.




Brigham Young


R. W. Allred


1854 June 26


Great Salt Lake City
San Pete County


Building and construction

Item sets


G. S. L. City, June 26th, 1854.

Bishop R. W. Allred & Counselors.

Fort Ephraim,
San Pete County

Dear Brethren,

Yours of the 17th inst came safe to hand, and I feel to rejoice with you in the good health, union, and prosperity which you mention you are blessed with.

Crops here are rather later than usual, still there is plenty of time for them to mature, and the weather is now warm and very favorable to the rapid growth of all kinds of vegetation. As to your new fort which you are about to begin to build, there are no alternations or suggestions occur to me, except that I wish you to make the wall 4 feet thick instead of 3, & 14 feet high in lieu of 10, and to complete it with all reasonable diligence.

I am not aware that I have any particular instructions for you or the brethren at Fort Ephraim, additional to those you are already familiar with & which you express a willingness to carry out.
Praying for your guidance by the Spirit,

I Remain, your brother in the Covenant.
Brigham Young