1854 June 30 Letter to Mary G. Beach


1854 June 30 Letter to Mary G. Beach


Mr. Gammel to repay the amount due to Mary Beach.




Brigham Young


Letter to Mary G. Beach


1854 June 30


Great Salt Lake City
St. Louis, Missouri


Business Matters

Item sets


G. Salt Lake City, June 30th 1854.

Mrs. Mary G Beach

Dear Madam

Yours of April 24th is at hand, and I improve the first opportunity to reply. When I last wrote, I presumed that Mr. Gammel, to whom, you will recollect, I sold Mr. Beach's share in the brewery, would have paid more or less on that sale ere this, but he has not yet been able to do so. Mr. Gammel is now out on a trading expedition, somewhere between this City and the South Pass, and I presume will return with funds sufficient to liquidate the whole, or a greater portion of the amount due from him, viz $1125. As Mr. Gammel agreed to pay the whole amount by next Fall at the latest, You may rest assured that I will use due discretion in getting the payments yet due, as fast as consistent, and forward the same at every favorable opportunity.

I Remain, very sincerely
Your friend
Brigham Young

Care of Robert L. Graham
or Munson Beach
St Louis