1854 July 15 Letter to Thomas Forsyth


1854 July 15 Letter to Thomas Forsyth


Brigham counsels Forsyth to deliver the timber or allow others to deliver it so the work can continue.




[Brigham Young]


Thomas Forsyth


1854 July 15


Great Salt Lake City


Business Matters

Item sets


Great Salt Lake City, July 15,/54

Thomas Forsyth,

Dear brother,

I understand that you have left working on the timber for the Sugar Machinery, and that you say the bill for that building cannot be filled in that Kanyon, but notwithstanding all this, the teamsters inform me that they have to haul poor, over good timber reserved by you for shingles &c which would answer the purpose, and which you will not let be taken. Now bro. Forsyth, you know as well as myself that the timber for the machinery is wanted, and that we want you to get it, that it might enable you to pay something towards liquidating your indebtedness to the office.

I am aware that you have been afflicted with a lame hand, which probably has hindered you some, but you certainly need not hinder other men nor retain on hand for other purposes to be used at some distant period, timber which is now needed for the progress of the work. We have difficulty enough to contend with without having you throw obstacles in the way, and it would further appear that you ought to know better than to do it with the knowledge which you have of our business, and I should think that you had been accomodated enough to feel an interest, and do what you can to forward the works instead of hindering them. I have told bro Smoot to go ahead and take all the timber that he comes to that is suitable which is standing, and the cut also which belongs to you. What we want is for you to get the timber, but if you cannot you must let bro Smoot or his men get it, for the timber we must have; what you have done on it will of course be credited to you. The season is progressing & the work must go forward, and if you cannot aid it, just get out of the way, and let others who can and are willing to, do the work. Praying for your welfare, I remain your brother in the work of the last Days.