1854 August 15 Letter to Aaron Johnson & the City Council.


1854 August 15 Letter to Aaron Johnson & the City Council.


Levying a tax no greater than one half percent will boost the amount of goods brought into the city and save the expense of sending to Salt Lake for them.




Brigham Young


Aaron Johnson
Members of the City Council


1854 August 15


Great Salt Lake City


Business matters

Item sets


G. S. L. City Augt 15th 1854.

To Bishop Aaron Johnson &
Members of the City Council.

Hearing some sayings in relation to the propriety, or impropriety of Levying a Tax on Goods brought into your city. Your Charter gives the right to Levy a Tax not exceeding one per cent, but I think it good policy not to exceed one half per cent. By this policy, you will have goods enough brought to you saving the expense of hundreds & thousands of dollars every year, spent in coming, or sending here for goods.

I Remain as ever
Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young