G. S. L. City, Augt. 19th 1854.
President Augustus Farnham,
Sydney & the Elders and Saints in Australia
Dear brethren,
By letter from elder Farnham dated Dec 24/53, I was made somewhat acquainted with your position, labors, success, and faith, all which were causes for rejoicing in the kind dealing and overruling providence of our God. Elder Wm. Hyde arrived here on the 14th inst, having traveled from San Bernardino with the mail Company. I have seen him only for a few moments, as his health is still very poor, and he is recruiting at his home in Big Cottonwood. The saints who accompanied Elder Hyde to California are tarrying at San Bernardino waiting further counsel as to their movements.
This I have just written to elders Rich & Lyman. I have understood that some of the brethren in Australia donated means to help the poor to emigrate with Elder Hyde, and with the expectation that such donations would be credited to them on the books of the Perpetual Emigration Fund. The motives that prompted this course I presume were good; and were the Fund much larger than it now is, and the poor Saints in the British Isles far less numerous than they now are, and still further, were not the facilities for outfitting far greater in Australia than in any other place where there are poor saints to be gathered,-- still all who have assisted or may assist the saints to gather from Australia, with a view to being credited on the books of the Fund, will be so credited whenever the amount advanced by any individual's actually paid into the Fund. You will perceive at once that this is the only just course under the circumstances, and the only one that will enable me to keep the necessary oversight and control of the means of the Fund Co. at least until the Fund is far wealthier in available means and the foreign poor much fewer in number. In far off missions like yours I wish to remind you that it is not only your privilege but your duty to go walk in the path way of all truth and so to rejoice in the Spirit of the Lord as to be able to know the course of your duties and not wait for counsel from me hut act in faith, believing even as you have done, and any little mistake that may arise will be overruled for good. The economy of the Almighty in reference to the salvation of the human family requires this course, and the long distance between us compels it. Still I shall avail myself of every opportunity to give you such counsel as the Spirit may dictate, and now take occasion to write that all the elders who went from Utah to Australia on a mission and are there upon receipt of this letter, are at liberty to tarry or return home as you shall decide in your Councils as you may be moved upon through faithfulness by the Holy Ghost, and this without waiting any further word from me on that subject, but act in the matter as you can unanimously agree.
I wish to inform Elder Burr Frost that circumstances render it wisdom for him to return home by the first opportunity and that he has my counsel and cordial consent for so doing and it will be all right.
In relation to matters here the Indians continue very friendly,and we continue to enjoy peace, prosperity, and general good health. Hail & grasshoppers have injured our field crops & gardens in some localities, still we have flattering indications of a plentiful harvest. The public works are progressing with commendable speed, and the inhabitants generally are very energetic in the various grades of private improvements calculated to make our mountain houses comfortable & beautiful. The adobie work of the wall around the Temple Block was finished on the 15th inst & on the 16th I helped to raise the first coping Stone to its place on the N W corner. The workmen have been for some time past busily engaged in laying the massive stone foundation of the Temple, which is composed of huge blocks of sandstone or conglomerate. ln short the Lord is weekly blessing his people in Zion, and wherever they are upon the earth, and it simply remains for each of us to stand in our several Lots, magnifying our callings to the honor and glory of his name, and all things will work together for good. So far as I know your families are well, & I presume keep you informed on family and local topics. Praying for your welfare in the way of all truth I remain your brother in the Gospel
Brigham Young