1854 November 22 Letter to Eli B. Kelsey


1854 November 22 Letter to Eli B. Kelsey


Cash is needed to pay for Perpetual Emigration Fund passengers. Anything that can be readily sold for cash will be received for donations.




Brigham Young


Eli B. Kelsey


1854 November 22


Great Salt Lake City


Perpetual Emigration Fund

Item sets

G. S. L. City Nov[r]. 22nd 1854.

Bro. Eli B. Kelsey,

Dear Sir

Your communication of the 13th inst is received, and in reply to that portion of it relating to Bro Phelps wishing to send for his family, and bro Hamblin becoming responsible for the payment of the debt, I have to say that obligations, notes & bonds do not bring the people here, we have to advance the cash invariably in Liverpool for the transmission of P. E. Fund passengers, and therefore look from those who send for their friends payment down if they expect such to arrive at an early day. However, those persons who may be extremely anxious to have the names of their friends forwarded without paying in advance can have the privilege of doing so, but it will be uncertain when they arrive here. The company will do the best they can.

Cattle, Wheat, Corn, Oats. Barley, Rye and Lumber at Cash prices will be received on indebtedness to the P. E. F. Co, not excepting cash, also on donation if the brethren feel disposed to contribute. In short any thing that will meet with a ready sale will be received on donations.

I Remain
Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young