1854 November 30 Letter to Burr Frost


1854 November 30 Letter to Burr Frost


Instructions for Frost to return home and an update on Utah affairs.




Brigham Young


Burr Frost


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Missionary Work

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City
Novr. 30th 1854

Elder Burr Frost,

Dear Brother,

You have now been some time on your mission in a far off land, and so far as I am informed your operations have been in faithfulness and diligence; still you are aware that when the head of a family is absent for a long period, leaving them in a country so newly settled as this, it will often occur that his private business affairs require his immediate oversight. This being the case, I wrote to Brother Farnham on the 19th of August last, that I wished you to return home by the first opportunity; and that all the Elders who went there when you did were at liberty to return, stay, or go to another field of labor, as they might be guided by the dictates of the Spirit in their councils.

The letter to Bro. Farnham may not have reached its destination, hence I now write to you that I wish you to return home by the first opportunity, that you may again rejoice in the blessings of the society of your family, in the blessings here enjoyed, and in the privilege of looking after your private affairs.
Our Sugar Works will soon be so far finished as to enable us to manufacture the present crop of beets into good molasses, I anticipate our being able to make a large amount of beet sugar next season.

A very commodious building is being erected on the N. W. corner of the Temple Block, and is designed to afford us an opportunity to give endowments until the Temple is built.

My health is good, also that of your family, and of the saints generally, and the Lord is richly blessing us with peace and prosperity.

Trusting that you will be blessed with a speedy and safe return to the bosom of your family,
I remain Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young