1854 November 30 Letter to Chauncey W. West


1854 November 30 Letter to Chauncey W. West


West and Dewey have permission to return home and are reminded to continue the work of Zion on their travels home.




Brigham Young


Chauncey W. West


1854 November 30


Great Salt Lake City


Missionary Work

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City, Nov 30th 1854

Elder Chauncey W. West.

Dear brother,

Your letter of Sept 13th, came safe to hand by politeness of General Rich who arrived with his company on the 28th. inst all well. It appears that your field of labor was difficult, and you have passed through much hardship, and endured privation like good soldiers, and both you and bro. B. Y. Dewey are at liberty to come home as soon as you can make the necessary arrangements, and I have written to Elder Pratt by this mail to the same effect & requested him to inform you of the liberty granted that in case either letter missed of reaching its destination you might get word from the other, and that bro Pratt might be aware of the liberty you have. You are doubtless sufficiently anxious for the welfare of Israel to let no opportunity slip for furthering the cause of righteousness while detained in seeking opportunity for coming here, nor on your way here, and in fact at no time, for you hav experienced that this is the only course to insure the blessings of the Lord, and the peace and intelligence of His Spirit.

General good health, peace and prosperity are still extended unto us in rich abundance.

You will learn the current items of interest in the Deseret News, to which I refer you for want of time to enter into detail. Trusting that in due time you will arrive here safe & well, I remain your brother in the Covenant

Brigham Young