G. S. L. City Jany 2nd 1854
Hon. J. M. Bernhisel W. C.
Washington City D. C.
Dear Brother,
The eastern Mail, due on the 31st Ult. has not yet arrived, and not knowing what may have prevented its arrival, I drop you a few lines by way of Panama.
The General health of the people continues good, and we are still blessed with peace, union, and prosperity. Having mostly secured abundant crops, the brethren in the different settlements have been busy in completing their fortifications, and in various outdoor occupations, for which the weather has been unusually favorable up to the 1st inst.
Judge Kinney and his mercantile partner gave a complimentary party to Lt. Col Steptoe, and his associate officers, at which I was present, also Prests Kimball and Grant, those of the Twelve who are here, and many other brethren. All appeared to enjoy themselves highly. on the evening of the 1st inst. the Governor and Legislative Assembly gave a complimentary party, in the Social Hall, to Judge Kinney, his associates, other civil officers of the U. S. and to Lieut Col Steptoe and the officers in his command.
I caught a severe cold a few days since, and did not feel well enough to attend, but I am informed that all were well pleased, that the supper was excellent, and that everything went off in good style.
The Legislative assembly on the 21st of December, ult unanimously adopted a memorial to his Excellency Franklin Pierce, President of the U. S. and to the Hon. the Senate of the U. S. petitioning for my re-appointment, also a Report to the President, Senate, and People of the U. S. concerning the $20.000, about which so much has been said, and written. I send you by Adams & Cos. Express 100 printed Copies of each of those documents, trusting that, in case the President, and Senate do not give them due notice, you will immediately thereupon distribute the copies now forwarded, and also publish the same in some prominent papers at Washington and New York, and in the Missouri Republican.
I have forwarded 50 Copies of each of the above named documents to Elders J. Taylor, E. Spencer, & E. Snow; thus you perceive that I am determined to have the feelings of the inhabitants of Utah on those points made known as they actually exist, and is as plain a manner as the brevity of a document they will stop to read will admit. All the Civil and Military U. S. Officers in Utah, and all the prominent Merchants, agents, and business men in our city, to whom there was time to present the paper, have signed a strong petition to President Peirce for my re-appointment, one of which I forward by express, and in case they should also let that sleep, a copy has been forwarded to Elder F. D. Richards to be printed in the Star, and I also wish you to publish it, if you find it necessary.
In addition to the above, I have Expressed to your address, my Report, & other papers to the Hon Geo W. Manypenny for the Q. ending Decr 31st 1854, a Draft on the Department for $2009; Certificate of presence at my official duties; State House Accounts, and Duplicates of former letters to yourself & Manypenny. Not hearing from the eastern Mail due on the 31st ult, and as Adams & Co's have just extended their lines to this city from San Diego, I send the above important documents by them, both for extra safety, & speed, as also to encourage an enterprize that will be of benefit to us, and I wish you to inform me of the date of reception, that I may judge of their fidelity, & promptness.
From present appearances, it will be the safest plan during the winter, and until settled weather, for you to send your communications by way of Panama. and by Express, or Mail as you may deem best.
On the 1st inst, a very high wind blew from the south all day and about 7 P M, it began to sleet rapidly, shifted to snowing, & continued through the night, & until now. 2nd 2 P. M. when it is still snowing with snow on the ground some 6 inches deep, tho' it is very still and mild and snow damp, and sloppy at the bottom.
Your family are in good health, and spirits.
Praying for your prosperity in righteousness, I Remain, as ever
Your Brother in the Gospel
Brigham Young