1855 January 29 Letter to Amasa Lyman


1855 January 29 Letter to Amasa Lyman


Brigham offers comfort to Lyman, reminding him that God rules His work and allows some to fall away who would turn against the Church in difficult times. Apostates cannot harm true principles. Faithful servants of God have to wage a war against the powers of Darkness and not shrink for righteousness will triumph in the end.




Brigham Young


Amasa Lyman


1855 January 29


Great Salt Lake City
San Bernardino, California

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Building and Construction

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City
January 29th 1855

Elder Amasa Lyman
San Bernardino

Dear Brother,

Your favor of the 8th ulto came to hand on the 27th inst. and am happy to learn of your welfare.

It is truly a source of gratification to feel and know that when in the line and path of our duty no circumstance of life so long as we remain faithful can sever the link or destroy the hope which connects us with that power unto whom belongs all things, both in heaven and on earth and who can open and no man can shut, and in whose hands are the hearts of the children of men, with whom. he can do his good pleasure.

The lurid glare of lightning is no more perceptible to human vision, than is to the mind enlightened by the spriit of God, the near approach of the fulfilment of the predictions of the prophets of both ancient and modern date. The times are pregnant with big events which will ere long burst forth upon an astonished world who have neglected the offers of salvation, slain the Apostles and prophets in the day of their visitation, and despised and set at nought every good and virtuous principle which was calculated to save and lead them on to Eternal life. And now will these commotions break upon the Saints? Although they may feel strong as the mighty Oak of the Forest yet many will doubtless feel the withering scourge prepairing for the nations and shrink beneath its touch. Happy indeed are those who will be able to withstand and endure to the end -- who will be found steadfast on the side of truth? -- the friends of God. They are those who love righteousness and hate iniquity, who love the truth for the truth's sake and not because they expect to be rewarded for doing a thing so manifestly for their own interest. We are pretty well aware of the flood of wickedness which envelopes the world in darkness and error; and we also know the difficulty often experienced by those who desire to do good and to be good, in throwing off, and divesting themselves from its misty serpentine folds. Even when the honest heart has tasted the good word of life, and put on salvation, they often times experience a difficulty in stemming the torrents of darkness and error, which have been inwrought into their very bones and marrow, through tradition and Priestcraft. But their is some wheat in the field which will be saved, and although the wheat and tares grow together there is a resource given which is a discernment between them by which they may be known.

The Lord moreover so manages and overrules His work as to occasionally sift and throw to the winds such as in a day of trouble might turn against us. Therefore Dear Brother be comforted as you percieve the work in motion. And if occasional disaffection lodges at your place, remember that in a day of trial they may prove a shield to protect the berry from the rude blast. It often times occurs that men and women are tolerably good Saints anywhere else except with the Saints, and I sometimes think that class are the only ones which this generation are worthy to meet, and although they cannot be anything but Mormons wherever they are, and preferring to be with the world where they can see, hear and feel the continued profanity and abominations of the wicked, that it is reciprocal enough for them to better endure it than the pure minded & strictly virtuous who so abhor the wickedness of this generation, that if they could have their desires granted would never again behold a devil in any form. I acknowledge I feel a little this way inclined myself, and when I hear and see pure and holy principles which adorn the very Gods, and all holy beings set before this wicked and corrupt generation only to be sneered at, misconstrued, perverted and trodden under foot, I feel that they are not for them; and the scum, the half hearted, that float off upon the light air, are sufficient testimony, and all that they are worth to receive. However they cannot harm a true principle, neither can an Apostate bring disgrace upon one, he only disgraces himself who attempts it. If a man disgraces himself and proves unworthy, it does not follow that the cause of truth is dishonored and disgraced, by no means, it only reverts upon his own head with ten fold greater force, & soon manifest itself to the discerning mind in all its naked deformity. It is a warfare which we as good and faithful servants of the Most High have to wage against the powers of Darkness, and from which we must not shrink. It is a glorious cause, and one which we know will eventually triumph and dispel the darkness and gloom which now envelopes the world. The light, truth from heaven, has enkindled a fire upon the earth which will ere long sweep away the refuge of lies like a tornado, which when it is passed leaves a calm in which the quiet enjoyment of the Saints will forever remain unbroken.

Our place has continued to improve the past season, many good substantial stone houses and residences have been built in this city, and extensive improvements made in the Country. Our public works have also progressed at about the usual rate. The extensive Sugar Manufactory on Kanyon Creek commenced operations to day. The Endowment house on the Temple Block is nearly finished. The south wing of the State House at Fillmore City, which is a stone building, is roofing; and we are now laying stone in the Temple Foundation. This work has been suspended only about a month on account of the weather. The Legislative Assembly adjourned on the 19th inst. and will meet in future at Fillmore City.

The Indians in our Territory are friendly at present, but are hostile on the route to the Missouri River, so much so as to entirely stop the travel, hence we have no mail except by way of California. We think however that parties of sufficient strength by being watchful will pass safely the ensuing season. Our intentions are to concentrate our works in future as much as possible upon the Temple, the State house, and Sugar works have been serious drawbacks upon that work, but they are now so far advanced as not to much more impede it. We design building a Recorder's Office the ensuing year.

Money although not so very scarce in the country is not very plenty with us; we are experienceing some embarrassment from not receiving eastern advices.

We realize the burden which is resting upon you and brother Rich and expect to aid you as early in the season as we can. We feel to say to you, do the best you can in regard to money matters by scraping together as much as possible towards liquidating that debt and we will try and help it through Be careful as you can about making engagements when you have to pay such enormous interest, it consumes without lessening the burden. Our resources at present are principally invested in Cattle which if we can dispose of to any reasonable advantage will enable us to help you with the blessing of heaven, without which you know we can do nothing. We shall overcome all present embarrassment including you & bro. Rich and not hinder or retard the progress of our works one particle.

Are we not wonderfully blessed in these vallies, and have we not great reason to be thankful for the blessings, privileges and peace which we enjoy-- so may it continue, and so more abundantly may the Saints cleave unto the Lord as to ensure the continuance of his kindness and mercies unto us all.

Carson Valley has been organised and bro. Orson Hyde elected Judge of Probate, he goes out early in the spring, it has also become the <Third> Judicial district and the Hon. Geo. P. Stiles Associate justice of the Supreme court for which Territory has been assigned thereto.

Praying God my heavenly Father in your behalf continually that you may be blessed and prospered in all things.

I remain as ever faithfully and Truly Your Bro. in the Gospel.

Brigham Young