1854 October 30 Letter to Charless Blow Co.


1854 October 30 Letter to Charless Blow Co.


A request to remedy a mishandled order of syringes.




H. S. Eldredge


Charless Blow Co.


1854 October 30


Great Salt Lake City


Business Matters

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City
October 30st/54

Charless Blow Co.

On opening Box No. 173. comprized in the bill of Drugs purchased at your House on the 22nd of May 1854 for Gov B. Young

I find that the Syringes were put up without the extra pipe and with the exception of two without boxes, this is a serrious oversight rendering them useless in many instances besides being entirely contrary to my orders The specimens shown me were put up in boxes with, the extra pipes and I had good reason to expect that I should find them properly packed in seperate Boxes when they were opened.

As it is necessary that this mistake should be rectified. I wish you to send me at the earliest opportunity a Dozen assorted Syringes neatly put up each in a seperate box, with two extra pipes to each one packed so they will not rub; one sett of the above extra pipes are for the syringes sent this year On reference to your books you will find the syringes as follows. (1/2) Doz. 8 oz. (1/4) Doz. 12 oz. (1/4) Doz. 16 oz Syringes. this will enable you to send those that will fit.

Yours Respectfully
H. S. Eldredge