1854 November 16 Letter to Brother Empy


1854 November 16 Letter to Brother Empy


In order to calculate the individual debt of Immigrants aided by the Fund, Daniel Mackintosh requests information such as names, ages, lives lost, cattle lost and provisions furnished.




Daniel Mackintosh


Brother Empy [William Empey]


1854 November 16


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Perpetual Emigration Fund
Overland Travel

Item sets

P. E. F. Company Office
G. S. L. City Novr. 16th 1854

Bro Empy

Dear Sir

We are obliged through the lack of necessary information to enable us to arrive at the individual indebtedness of Immigrants aided by the funds this season to call upon you as the Agent of the fund to Superintend the Immigration, if you would be kind enough to elicet as far as you possibly can <from the proper persons in writing> an answers to the following questions committed to paper, in in writin

In the first place, we wish to be furnished with a list from the different Presidents or Captains of Companies who started from Liverpool & came via New Orleans, St Louis & Kansas of the number, Names & ages, of those aided by the fund under their immediate charge.

How many died on the sea in each company respectively?
How many remained or died in New Orleans, or in coming up the river to St. Louis, names & ages, and the amt of provisions furnished to the whole number that started to St. Louis?

How many remained in St. Louis, if assisted there, what amt?
And how many started for Kansas, if any died on the way; their names are wanted & ages, also the amount of provisions &c furnished or paid on thei a/c of whole number that started?

How many died at Kansas, and on the journey to this city, names & ages, also names & ages of those who started from that place, the amount of Provisions, Cattle, Wagons, Yokes, Chains, &c &c furnished each Company; the amount of Flour furnished on the way; the number of Cattle injured or died on the journey by rough usage, or neglect, and the names of the persons that were the cause of it.

In the foregoing you will observe that the information desired is only in relation to the perpetual E Fund passengers exclusively, and fondly hope that you may be able through your diligence to obtain it.

I Remain
Your Brother & friend in the Gospel

Daniel Mackintosh