1855 January 31 Letter to Augustus Farnham


1855 January 31 Letter to Augustus Farnham


Brigham acknowledges the success of Farnham and welcomes him and those working with him to return home and bring as many Saints as are able to emigrate.




Brigham Young


Augustus Farnham


1855 January 31


Great Salt Lake City
Sydney, Australia

Number of Pages



Missionary Work

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City
January 31st, 1855

Elder Augustus Farnham
Sydney, Australia.

Dear Brother,
Although I have not received any communication from you for some time past, yet I thought that I would send you a few lines that you may know long continued abscence does not necessarily involve forgetfulness--No, indeed. If it is any satisfaction to the Elders who are absent on missions to have my feelings exercised in their behalf, and could know the facts, they would be abundantly satisfied. I have learned of your faithfulness and success in the mission to which you have been appointed, and can truly say that the Lord has been with you, with his blessings and his Spirit has attended your testimony Bro. Wm Hyde's health is much improved since his return, and I wish that the Elders when they are not healthy would change their location or return. So far as you in Australia are concerned, you are at liberty to return whenever it suits your convenience and I shall be most happy to again greet you in our Mountain home. You may extend the same invitation to all the rest of the Elders who were appointed from here to that mission. You will however organise and regulate matters in the most judicious manner for the continuance of the work, but gather out the Saints and bring <them> with you so far as you shall be able to do so, leaving sufficient number to continue the work. We find it best to gather out all the Saints as fast as they can consistantly, leaving only laboring Elders in the field.

We are prospering much as usual in these vallies, unusual peace prevails throughout the Territory. Although the Indians about Larimie, and along the road, are quite hostile.

The weather is very fine, for the time of year, mason work is going on. The public works are steadily progressing, and much improvement in both City and County
Your families are all well. Feeling to bless you and all faithful Saints and Elders.

I remain as ever Your Friend & Brother in the
Gospel of Salvation

Brigham Young