Great Salt Lake City
Feby Jany 6, 1855
Elder John Taylor,
Dear Brother
Last nights Mail brought to hand your welcome letter, dated Novr. 19 at St Louis. I am happy to learn of your progress thus far, and feel gratified with the direction matters seem to be taking. I also received from Bro Spencer and Erastus Snow, letters of interest, and the first number of the "Luminary" all seems to be dictated by the right Spirit, and augurs a good work, forth coming as the result of your mission, I should judge an excellent spirit prevailed at the St Louis Conference from all I have learned of its proceedings. The work seems also steadily prospering in europe and Islands of the sea. We have received recent from Parley good progress in California they inten the ensuing seasons, and I understand that quite a company of saints will accompany them to this place, as Bro Parley writes they do not desire to locate in any other place than Utah, The Legislative Assembly adjourned on the 19th Ultimo, Carson County was organised and Bro Orson Hyde elected Judge of Probate. Hon Geo P. Stiles was assigned to that Judicial district they will go out early in the season. The weather has continued fair, work on the Temple Block has not been suspended more than a month this winter on account of cold or stormy weather They are now laying stone, and many of the Farmers are ploughing and sowing grain. Indian Walker died near Fillmore 29th inst. of inflamation on the lungs sickness fourth now roofing, the walls are all built of Stone, as it was feared that the Adobies of that region were of an inferior quality. The sessions of the Legislative Assembly will convene hereafter at that place. The Penitentiary is so far finished as to receive Occupants and the appropriation made thereon as well as for the State House expended.
The Sugar Manufactory on Kanyon Creek is just commening opperations, with fair prospects of success, the Machinery throughout seems to work well except the vacuum Pan which seems to lack power we think, this will be remedied in a few days-- We yet lack the animal charcoal filterers which may prevent making sugar out of the present crop, but by the next, we intend to have every thing in order. When completely successful it will do an immense business they can grind and press out a thousand Bushels every twenty four hours, and I do not know but they could dispose of the juice of the vacuum pan works, as well as the rest of the machinery. We raised on the Church Farm alone this year 22,000 bushels of sugar Beets.
It has been a heavy job to get the Machinery into operation, But I think it will prove of great utility yet. That work and the State house being so far advanced, we hope we shall be able greater to concentrate our energies more immediately upon the Temple-- The endowment house is ready for plastering. As you say things indicate numerous events at hand which will more ore less affect us as a people, so much the Better in smuch as we are found at our post prepared to meet the Storm, It is an indication that the Lord is working and that his Cause is rolling forth in its power. It is currently reported that Col Steptoe is appointed Governor of this Territory. It seems the opinion of a large portion of his friends, and acquaintances that he will not accept, the appointment. If he is which is yet in doubt, as nothing official has been received -- He has manifested a friendly spirit and exhibits a gentlemanly bearing, since he has been with us. We have also so far been well pleased with Judge Kinney. Dr Hurt Indian Agent arrived with this Mail, and they report no difficulty whatever, with the Indians on the route, we had expected, that their hostilities was what was hindering them but it seems not, and now the Mail has arrived we have no later dates than we have previously by way of California, There is at least a months Mail behind some where. We have not a word since the meeting of Congress, not even the President's Message. We [have?] expect that you and brother Erastus will exert your influence in favor of the Pacific Railway by way of Salt Lake upon the route indicated by a Memorial of last Winter -- I sincerely hope that we may obtain admission as a State I am glad to find a movement of this nature springing up give this also your aid through the Press
Want of general Intelligence among the people renders them unable to sustain self government. hence in Europe, Asia <Mexico> and South America every attempt of the kind has proved abortive
But happily in the U. S. and its Territories this objection, does not exist, Senator Douglass is right in his position that the inhabitants of the Territory are equally as Capable of self Government as those of the States, and why should they not be inasmuch coming as they do directly from the States, if there is any difference it would certainly attach in favor of those who by there enterprise had gained an experience in Travelling and more general converse with men and things, necessarily incurred by seeking out new locations and being thrown upon their own resources for the formation of Society and new organizations of Government. You will probably have an interview with Judge Douglass, and be able to give us some news in your next -- please improve every favorable opportunity to write
It is said I do not know with how how much truth, that it is the intention of the government, to order forces upon the plains the ensueing season, with a view of exterminating the Pawnees and Sioux Indians, I hope this may not be the case as I am sanguine that the Sioux at least have been grossly imposed upon, some of themhave probably done wrong but to wage an exterminating war against the whole nation, is unjust and dishonerable. It should not be permitted. They should be treated in a friendly manner and their good will secured, they have heretofore been universally friendly, and it should be remembered in their favor-- I hope pray and believe that the Lord will overrule all things for the best interest of Scattered Israel, and Continue his mercies, and Blessings upon his faithful Servants who labor for Zion and all the Saints, Praying that you may succeed in all your undertake for the spread of the Gospel of Christ, I remain your Brother in the New and Everlasting Covenant.
Brigham Young