1855 February 7 Letter to James Pace


1855 February 7 Letter to James Pace


Brigham rejoices in the prosperity of the missionary work and gives an update on the progress of the Temple foundation.




Brigham Young


James Pace


1855 February 7


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Missionary Work
Building and Construction

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City
Feby 7, 1855

Elder Jas Pace

Dear Brother
Your welcome letter dated at Bedford Oct 10, came duly to hand on the 5th instant, and I improve the short time allotted previous to the Mail leaving to reply to you in connection with many others -- I will say for your comfort and consolation that your letter exhibited to me a good Spirit, in the enjoyment of which doubtless, you will be able to accomplish great good and save souls, in the Kingdom of our God. With meekness and truth, you will find your way to the honest in heart, who will receive you with gladness. A general time of health, peace and prosperity attends every department in these peaceful vales -- Our Winter has been mild, no snow of any account has fallen as yet -- Mason work is going on in the Foundations of the Temple and other places in the City. We feel rejoiced to learn of the prosperity of the work abroad, and consider that at no time were the times more propitious than the present for the spread of the Gospel Go on Brother James in the good work which you have so long believed and sustained and when the Lord shall make up his Jewels You will be found spotless and pure having a part with that happy throng who have endured all things for the Gospels sake and finaly overcome the world with all its vanities.

Praying God my Heavenly Father to Bless and preserve you to the accomplishment of your Mission and safe return.

I remain Your Brother in the Gospel of Salvation
Brigham Young.

P. S. Your family are all well Byram is in the City at present You are at liberty to return the ensueing season if you wish it perhaps Bro Franklin may have business for you to attend to on your route here.

B. Y.