1855 February 7 Letter to Messrs. Dill, Parsons & Banks


1855 February 7 Letter to Messrs. Dill, Parsons & Banks


All who profess faith in Christ and Godly sorrow that leads to repentance are fit for baptism and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. For further information Brigham refers the inquirers to the missionaries.




Brigham Young


Messrs. Dill, Parsons & Banks


1855 February 7


Great Salt Lake City
Carlisle, Pennsylvania

Number of Pages



Church Doctrine
Missionary Work

Item sets

G. S. L. City Feby 7 1855.

Dill, Parsons & Banks
Carlisle, Pa.

Your Note of Nov 6/54 arrived on the 5th inst., & I take pleasure in replying by the first return Mail, all who profess to have faith in Jesus Christ, as defined in the Bible, and that Godly sorrow for sin which worketh a repentance not to be repented of, are fit subjects of Baptism into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints after Baptism and the administration of the laying on of hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost This Gifts Powers Blessings and privileges attainable by any person, depend upon his own individual faith, uprightness, and obedience to the commandments of God. desirous that every person seeking for truth, and anxious to live virtuously, and uprightly, should have every facility for so doing, I take the liberty of referring you for any further information you may wish, to Elder John Taylor of New York City Editor of the Mormon, Elder Orson Spencer at Cincinnati, Ohio, Elder Erastus Snow Editor of The Luminary at St. Louis and to any of our Missionaries with whom you may come in contact
Commending your forcefulness, zeal, and ardor for the cause of truth

I Remain Respectfully
Brigham Young