1857 March 2 Letter to Orson Pratt


1857 March 2 Letter to Orson Pratt


A request for John Kay to inquire whether the purchase of gas fixings are cheaper in the states or in England and includes details on the supplies.




Brigham Young


Orson Pratt


1857 March 2


Great Salt Lake City


Building and Construction

Item sets

President's Office.
G. S. L. City 2nd. March 1857.

Prest. Orson Pratt.

I wish you to instruct and empower bror. John Kay, to procure for me (after making the proper inquiries, whether gas fixings can be purchased to more advantage in England or the States:) a Retort, Gasometer, purifyer * and for my houses. say Seventy burners; with the requisite piping &c. say. (or the materials for these.)

1000 ft. main piping (Iron to be laid under ground.)
1000 ft. small, conducting piping to carry thro. & from Room to Room
70 ft. from Fire or Retort to Gasometer.

also the necessary brackets, burners &c. which Bror John will understand fully. I would like a doz. of the Indian Rubber tarbes with the proper stands & burners which can be attached to a bracket joint over a fire place or any other portion of the wall, & thus have the means of conveying our lights from the wall to a table and from one table to another. You are aware, that now a complete apparatus can be procured, so that a family can have their gas manufacturing during the day, which they may use at night: probably for the Retort stronger plates & rivets may be brought along such as we require, and here have them put together, as also the necessary & proper kinds of plate for gasometer: The 1000 ft of main piping will also require to iron piping of the proper sizes to convey the gas underneath the ground from the place of manufacture to Gasometer, from my one house to the other, then accross the street to the Historian's office: and to our printing establishments &c. and H. C. K's house or other public offices to be built accross the street south of my houses & offices; these will necessarily be laid underneath the ground. The burners generally may be the common jet: with a few "fish tail" burners & one or two circular burners or any other improvement in them which he may select.

Bror John Kay will know better than I do what is required.

truly yours
Brigham Young