1857 April 21 Letter to Horace S. Eldredge


1857 April 21 Letter to Horace S. Eldredge


Detailed list of supplies to be purchased in St. Lois and instructions on where to deliver them.




Brigham Young


Horace S. Eldredge


1857 April 21


Great Salt Lake City
St. Louis

Number of Pages



Business Matters


Brigham Young

Item sets

President's Office
G. S. L. City 21 Ap. 1857.

Horace S. Ellridge Esqu.
St. Louis.

You will please purchase and forward to A. O. Smoot, 2 setts Blacksmith's tools, as under, one addressed to La Bonte, and one to Deer Creek, and forward by the Carrying Coy to be left at these stations
1 Large Bellows, all of the best material & well finished
1 large Anvill "
1 small do "
1 large Vice "
1 small do. "
1 set dies and plates for screws right hand
1 do do " left "
1 large size sledge 1 small do & set hand hammers.
1 full set tongs -- drills -- punches or steel to make
1 set of shoing tools -- best quality.

Double the above, & you will have the two sets. and send on 2 good blacksmiths for each set to those places. And Irons for two saw mills &c. as under, these hand Irons need not be sent on till Septr. viz
3 cranks, 12. from Centre of Journal to centre of wrist. and 14 in. across the wings -- The wings to be 10 in. in length, the journal 4 1/4 in. diameter & 8 in. long. Each crank to have a wrought iron wrist, The wrist to be 3 in. diameter, and 5 in. clear of washers, to be keyed in back of arm. next page for "Mill Irons.

cast steel. 500 lbs 7/8 Octogon
1000 " 1 in do of Jessop & Son's.
The Trustee in Trust, has drawn upon you for $200.00 in favor of Brigham H. Young.
order, 500 feet of fuse rope for blasting in quarry.
Plasterer's order.
6 or 8 doz. best quality of whitewash brushes, for plasterers use. best Brussel <Russian> Bristles-- if they can be got, and let them be of that sort "made to order" not alone for sale, assorted. most of them of large size-- say 8 in.

Mill Irons Cont'd.
2 Gudgeons, 14 in, across the wings --wings 8 in. long--journals 3 in.
diameter & 6 in. long
6 Gudgeons 8 in. across the wings -- wings 6 in. long journals 2 in.
diameter & 5 in. long
4 " 5 in across the wings " 4 " " " 1 (1/2)
diam & 3 (1/2) lon
50 feet of Carriage rack, 3 in. on face, to bolt on under side of carriage
2 pinions to gear into same pinions, go on to an octagon, or 8 sqr
wood shaft 9 (1/2) in. in diameter.
2 sets of 6 ft-rag-wheel irons, with 6 segments to each set
2 upper Saw stirrups
2 lower do with noddle pins attached to each; each to have
brass boxes with gib and keys.
4 mill saws, 6 (1/2) ft long of Branch Crooks, Frots maker St. Louis

2 doz 14 in flat float cut saw mill files of Butcher's make all
included by dash on this page & that preceding, including. the
cast steel & Plasterer's Bills, are the Mill irons for Deer Creek
& La bonte stations -- all else to be sent here. Save the
Blacksmiths & their tools, as advised on preceding page.

Brigham Young