1857 June 1 Orders for Horace S. Eldredge


1857 June 1 Orders for Horace S. Eldredge


An order of supplies to be filled by Eldredge.



Date (allowed formats: yyyy, yyyy/mm, yyyy/mm/dd)

1857 June 1


Horace S. Eldredge


Great Salt Lake City


Buisness Matters

list of authors

Brigham Young

Item sets

1 June 1857.
G. S. L City,

Orders to be executed by H. S. Ellridge.

2 Boxes, one X single tin (cash deposited here $39.00)
1 No. 2. Prem. Stove & Castings, without boiler, coffee-pot or tea Kettle.
address "Alfred Best," and forward by early train, Fit to be pr. here.

one or two setts piano Bass strings, four setts of Piano strings have been sent on, but not one Bass among them, You will know what I want when I tell you they are thick "gut" wound with Copper wire like the strings on a Violincello or Bass fiddle.

You will also find our Printer's Bill enclosed, and as I have added these so do. when you can conveniently purchase them do.

We want you to send us some powder, and continue sending both sorts, for Rifle and some for blasting.

truly yours.
Brigham Young

P. S. The note presented by Woodard for Ferryage of M. Andrews & C. Harper's $90.and for which they left a wagon, A. O. Smoot offered to give them an order on St. Louis & take the wagon, now they may keep the wagon & pay themselves.