1858 January 23 Letter to Joseph Horn


1858 January 23 Letter to Joseph Horn


A request for Horn to lead a company to cultivate cotton and tobacco on the Rio Virgin. Southern Bishops will furnish provisions and labor. Brigham counsels to interact kindly with the Indians.




Brigham Young


Joseph Horn


1858 January 23


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs

Item sets

Presidents Office

Great Salt Lake City
Jany 23rd 1858

Bro Joseph Horn: -
You are hereby authorized and required to take charge of the company sent by myself and others to locate and make a cotton farm on the Rio Virgin. You will dictate the travelling of said company, See that the teamsters take good care of their teams, and arrange the messes on your arrival. I would suggest that there be from 8 to 10 men in each. When you arrive Bro. John D. Lee will point out to you the place which I have selected for a farm near the junction of the Rio Virgin and Santa Clara. You will then proceed to construct as soon as possible -- a good substantial brush dam across the river so that the water can be controlled -- and taken to farming land, should you need assistance to do this call upon the brethren there to work for you on labor tithing. I wish to have the land, intended for cultivation, flooded so soon as the dam can be built, and the water kept running on it, until it becomes thoroughly saturated, say for one or two months. You had better select the land where there is a section or two fit for cultivation

After you have the water under control the attention of the brethren can be turned to building houses, and making such other arrangements as will tend to their comfort. You will dictate as to plowing planting &c. I do not wish you to turn your attention to raising anything but cotton -- and about (1/4) of an acre of Tobacco, the leaves of the latter to be dried in the shade -- for which you had better prepare a small shed. I do not want any others to settle where you do, unless they are sent from this place for that purpose, you will please bear this in mind. Any information which you may want in relation to cultivating cotton and tobacco, the Brethren will, no doubt be pleased to furnish you with. The mules must not be rode or used nights or sundays-- except in cases of the utmost importance. The wagons should stand in a shed (which you had better build for that purpose) where water can be constantly kept running through -- as otherwise a few months, in that dry climate, will ruin the best we have, and use every endeavour to preserve -- the farming implements, cooking utensils, and bedding which you take with you.

Bishops; Davis of Harmony -- Phillip K. Smith of Cedar City, and Tarlton Lewis of Parowan-- will furnish you from the Tithing with flour, beef, pork, vegetables, and such articles of provision as you require, for which I enclose orders on them. I also enclose an order on [---] for a cow for the use of the boys which I send -- also an order on the Bishops south of this point to furnish you with what supplies you may need on the downward trip, and also an order for the Bishops to furnish you with assistance on labor Tithing. You had better keep a correct account of all you receive from the Bishops.

You will also take a kind conciliatory course with the Indians -- and seek to instruct them and benefit them so much as circumstances will permit, and if the brethren would take hold and learn their language it would be all the better.

I remain as ever,
Your friend and Brother

Brigham Young