1858 February Letter to Henry W. Bigler and John S. Woodbury


1858 February Letter to Henry W. Bigler and John S. Woodbury


Due to government hostilities all the missionaries in the Sandwich Islands are called home to assist in preparations for a possible conflict in the Spring.




Brigham Young


Henry W. Bigler
John S. Woodbury


1858 February (Likely)


Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Missionary Work

Item sets

Elders Henry W. Bigler and John S. Woodbury,

Dear Brethren: -

Your letter of Decr. 3rd arrived by the Cal. mail of the 3rd inst, and your report of the condition of the S. I. Mission was no more unpromising than was warranted by previous advices. I was pleased to learn that so many of the Elders had already sailed and were about to sail for home, and that your indebtedness was so small.

You are all, without regard as to when you were sent, counseled to start for home as speedily as you can wind up your affairs and obtain passage money, not even leaving in that Mission one Elder who has been sent there, unless you should deem it wisdom to do so. Try to inform br. Alvarus Hanks and the Elders in Australia, and those regions, that they are all recalled. Our enemies have gone into winter quarters at the ruins of Fort's Bridger and Supply, (which were vacated and burnt by us last fall) and we are taking active measures to be in readiness for any movements they may choose to make when spring opens. In this matter the people are very spirited and unanimous, thoroughly understanding that the present administration has at length openly come out and is following the lead of Missouri and Illinois, determined to crush out "Mormonism" by killing every man, woman and child that will not renounce it.

We are blessed with a good degree of general health, and anjoy an unusual portion of peace and that union which proceedeth from efforts to do good upon the earth, and realize that if God be for us, who can prevail against us?

Praying for the blessings of Heaven to attend you and prosper you in returning to your homes.

I remain, as ever, Your Brother in the Gospel.
Brigham Young

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