1858 March 18 Letter to Phineas W. Cook


1858 March 18 Letter to Phineas W. Cook


Brigham warns Phineas about a group of hostile Indians and instructs him to immediately secure livestock and possibly relocate to the Summit Creek settlement.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


Phineas W. Cook


1858 March 18


Great Salt Lake City


Indian Affairs

Item sets

Governor's Office

Great Salt Lake City  March 18th. 1858.

Brother Phineas W Cook

Some Indians have assembled in the vicinity of our frontier settlements South West and West of here and have already committed extensive depradations upon the herds of the brethren.  You are not secure in your present location either in your stock or your own lives unless you are continually on the lookout.  You will require to have with you constantly not less than twenty five good efficient men well armed and always on hand.  With these and by keeping your horses stabled and your cattle guarded night and day you may be able to keep your stock and secure yourselves.  In case you have not this number of men with you, you had better move your stock away at once, and remove to Summit Creek to strengthen the settlement there.  In either case do not neglect the constant guarding of your stock, night and day.  Lose no time in carrying out these instructions.

Your bro. in Christ.

Brigham Young